Dear Steven,

This could be significant only if DGTG is in some trouble, however they
will demonstrate their Hyperions, get them on the market and that's all.
Almost equally interesting is their
contribution to understanding of LENR
Then they will publish more data, independent ones included.
Their strategy is their strategy and that's not a tautology.
Their responsibility is not toward people who are just curious
and unpatient.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 4:32 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> > Mainly their own data, but why are you asking- do you think only
> independent
> > data = good? DGTG has reciprocal NDA with independent observers.
> > in the next paper you will receive these data- I also have a very strict
> > with them.
> Hi Peter,
> I assume the biggest complaint that will be raised on this matter is
> the fact that not having at our disposal sufficient "independent data"
> to collaborate Defkalion's claims reduces the authenticity of such
> claims.
> Skeptics will immediately focus on such issues, as is their right to do so.
> If we don't have "independent data" how do we go about assessing the
> merits of whether Defkalion's claims are accurate?
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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