OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I fully appreciate the fact that commercializing the hyperon product
> trumps the need to generate independent verification.

I agree. I have no objection whatever if Defkalion wants to keep the
results strictly secret. However, they announced that they would reveal
independent evaluations in January. They never did. *That* is bad form.
That is not how to run a business.

In a business, when you announce that you will do this or that, then later
you find you cannot follow through, you should explain why. You should
issue a statement: "we regret that we were unable to do it because . . .
blah blah"

I am very pleased they intend to participate in ICCF17. If they are forced
to cancel, I will be disappointed. But that is the way things go in R&D. I
would not blame them or assume they up to no good because a schedule slips.
HOWEVER, once again, if that happens I think they should issue a statement
explaining why they could not go and expressing regret. It is
unprofessional to keep quiet and act as if nothing happened. It invites

- Jed

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