
            We certainly don't think anyone is "intentionally" creating
efficent THZ pulses but there is a very difficult to reproduce anomaly in
play which is why we historically vet suggestions like Mark's with an open
mind. we have slowly and painfully tried to fit different puzzle pieces into
place only to find none of the traditional pieces fit - this site is
dedicated to considering the more exotic possibilities when traditional
explanations just don't work. If you have read any of my posts you know I
advocate a Puthoff like atomic model and share his opinions regarding vacuum
engineering with a pinch of Jan Naudts relativistic explanation for hydrogen
in a lattice being "equivalent" to hydrogen expelled from the suns corona at
relativistic speed [without the need for high velocity spatial displacement
- It is these relativistic anomalies created by the tubules or nano geometry
that lend support to Mark's suggestion as frequencies are up and down
converted by direct manipulation of space-time via suppression / Casimir
geometries. We know that many of these claims rest upon different methods of
agitation that all seem to have properties that result in changing the
geometry.when you are talking changes in distance based on 1/a^4 you can
create huge swings in the Casimir value [dynamic Casimir effect ?] with very
little energy -my pet theory being it discounts the amount of energy needed
to disassociate any h2 to the point where more energy is released upon the
reassociation at the new Casimir value than it takes in heat energy to cause
the disassociation -harnessing this change in pressure when the motive force
opposing the change in value is the random motion of gas [hup] would be a
valid method to extract ZPE.




Bottom of Form





Thu, 26 Jul 2012 16:18:04 -0700

guys, whatever that is, do You really think that Rossi put something like

into real world commercial operation?

THz pulses with significant energy?


on a partial cost basis of say $100 of his ecat-3.


Sorry to say: You must be completely deluded and have not idea what

is all about.


Did you ever build something slightly sophisticated?


If not, shut up and retreat to your cave or listen to people who did.


Citing something exotic does not make it operational,


Daily techno-gossip is full of crap like this.




Very annoyed.


Plus: Dear Lou. If You cite crappy points from dkos, please elaborate.

I have no problem if You attack me directly.

I will respond accordingly. 

Please be warned!




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