I am familiar with Myron Evans... a VERY, VERY prolific theorist -- over 800
publications -- see below for research summary.

My interest stemmed from Evans' work on Radiation-induced Fermion Resonance,
which he claims could be more accurate than NMR, and much simpler in that it
doesn't require strong mag-flds.

I contacted a mathematician who published several papers with Evans, and he
felt that Evans got off-track when he began collaborating with Bearden...
gee, don't know why? :-)  The mathematician thinks that interaction led to
almost professional suicide on Evans' part, and the mathematician did not
want to suffer the same fate and left the Evans' research group. When I
asked him about *the mathematical soundness of Evans' work*, he had nothing
bad to say... he left *only* because of Evans' work with Bearden... Evans
also has a Unified Field Theory.



Over eight hundred publications in chemistry and physics, most of which can
be read on the Omnia Opera section of www.aias.us. First generally accepted
explanation of the far infra red region of the electromagnetic spectrum in
terms of statistical mechanics and computer simulation. Pioneer and
developer of computer simulation and animation, especially with application
to molecular motion. Pioneer and coordinator of the multi technical
investigation of molecular dynamics within the EMLG founded at the British
National Physical Laboratory. Many original discoveries in molecular
dynamics and statistical mechanics. Development of field applied molecular
dynamics computer simulation with applications to non-linear optics, ESR and
NMR. Discovery of the fundamental longitudinal magnetic field of
electromagnetic radiation, the B(3) field. Development of higher topology
electromagnetic gauge theory, O(3) electrodynamics. Development of generally
covariant unified field theory, generally accepted as the leading theory of
its type at present. Industrial development of environment friendly devices
such as new energy devices which have no carbon footprint and produce no
emissions and counter gravitational device research.

-----Original Message-----
From: Akira Shirakawa [mailto:shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:52 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Connect the dots : di Vito, Ansaldo Energia , Siemens,
Rossi ...

On 2012-07-31 21:24, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
> [...]

As for a loose link with Siemens, have a look at this. There are hints about
a conference in Zurich on LENR in September.:


The "Horst" person of the email cited in the link above is Dr. Horst
Eckardt, Ph.D in solid state physics, who happens to work for Siemens.

(together with Dr. Myron Evans, he is one of authors of a new theory aimed
to replace the Standard Model, which from what I understand it - but this is
way beyond my expertise so take this with a grain of salt - might also be
better suited to explain how LENR work. Website here: 
http://www.aias.us/ )

As I'm writing, a dedicated E-CatWorld blog post appeared here:



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