
In case you are familiar with the history of this, I have a few questions -

Who invited Papp to do the test at Cal Tech?
How long did the engine continue to work after the power was removed?
If so, could it have been running on battery, or some other storage unit?
Was any evidence found in the debris that indicated fraud?
How has McKubre tested the engine?

-- Lou Pagnucco

Axil wrote:
> Mike and John are the two Rohber brothers who are competing in the
> development of the Papp engine. John is developing a two cylinder
> horizontally opposed version of the engine. John does not demo his version
> of the engine as a business decision but Bob does do demos.
> The video shows the Tesla 2012 demo whose YouTube link is listed  above.
> In
> it, McKubre is bearing witness as Mike Rohner rambles on about Papp
> technology.
> Mike Rohber provides incite into Papp's motivations and business thinking
> which are interesting.
> The demo shows the device that McKubre used to appraise the Papp reaction
> in a 20 minute private evaluation with Mike.
> At 1: 03 into the long video,  McKubre states his position as an advocate
> of the Papp engine stating that it is based on a nuclear process. McHubre
> sites Cecil Baumgartner a first hand witness to the Feynman test for his
> initial interest in the engine.
> A first hand eye witness to the  Dr. Rickard P. Feynman ill fated demo
> said
> Dr. Feynman actually kills that poor unlucky by-stander when he pulled the
> power plug which in tern disables the control electronics on the Papp
> engine and the engine over-revs. The engine eventually blows a rod the
> killed the guy. Cal Tech removed all records of the incident to protect
> Feynman and so died the Papp engine in the science community.
> As a personal opinion,  McKubre deserves some credit, He has a open mind
> and is not fixated on the deuterium LENR reaction.
> Cheers:   Axil
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 2:30 PM, <> wrote:
>> Axil,
>> I am not acquainted with this engine.
>> You wrote -
>> " After several thousand hours the gases lose structure and their
>> elasticity."
>> Does this mean there are transmutations that change gas composition"
>> Has anyone look at the ash (both gas and cylinder walls)?
>> Is there dielectric breakdown during ignition with electron cascades?
>> If so, have RF-emissions been characterized?
>> Has anyone tried reproducing the effect outside of an engine where the
>> phenomenon can be observed better?
>> I would be interested in answers to any of these questions
>> - especially since McKubre believes it's probably a real nuclear effect.
>> -- Lou Pagnucco
>> Axil^2 wrote:
>> > *Noble Gas Plasma Engine *
>> >
>> > In the 1980s, Joseph Papp was granted US Patent No. 3,670,494 for his
>> > “Noble Gas Plasma Engine”.
>> >
>> > A mixture of recycled inert gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, and
>> > xenon)
>> > fills a piston cylinder These gases are exposed to a high-voltage
>> > discharge
>> > in this sealed cylinder capped with a piston.
>> >
>> > This spark causes the gases to expand violently though no combustion
>> > occurs. Mechanical energy is delivered by the piston's displacement.
>> After
>> > the spark, the gases immediately collapses to their original volume
>> and
>> > density, and the cycle is repeated.
>> >
>> >
>> > Replacing these gases cost 15 cents per operating hour .
>> >
>> > Papp's first prototype was a simple 90-horsepower Volvo engine with
>> upper
>> > end modifications.
>> >
>> > Attaching the Volvo pistons to pistons fitting the sealed cylinders,
>> the
>> > engine worked perfectly with an output of three hundred horsepower.
>> The
>> > inventor claimed it would cost about twenty five dollars to charge
>> each
>> > cylinder every sixty thousand miles.
>> >
>> > Papp had arranged for a demonstration of Volvo engine to
>> representatives
>> > of
>> > the Stanford Research Institute. Unfortunately the day before the
>> > demonstration, the Volvo engine exploded. One person was killed, and
>> > another person was injured. Papp himself is believed to have died from
>> > apparent neutron radiation from his engine.
>> >
>> > There were indications that such an engine could provide its own
>> > electrical
>> > power and being a closed system, require no fuel. It is not by
>> definition
>> > an electromagnetic engine, however. It is believed that at the heart
>> of
>> > the
>> > Papp engine is the development of high-density electrical charge
>> clusters
>> > which provide the energy to expand the gases.
>> >
>> > The Papp technology is now in the public domain, Other US patents are
>> > 5319336, 4151431, 3670494, 4046167 - Mechanical Accumulator, 3680431
>> for
>> > Method and Means for Generating Explosive Forces, and 4,428,193 for
>> Inert
>> > Gas Fuel, Fuel Preparation Apparatus and System for Extracting Useful
>> Work
>> > from the Fuel.
>> >
>> > There are several groups working on versions of the Papp engine. It
>> seems
>> > to keep recycling through the new energy community.
>> >
>> > Jim Kettner has incorporated a company called “inteligentry, LTD” to
>> > simply
>> > and optimized the Papp process. He will license his prototype for mass
>> > production shortly uses the Rossi type “try it before you buy it money
>> > back
>> > guaranty”.
>> >
>> > It looks to me like the Papp engine uses the same basic electron
>> screening
>> > LERN principles as the Rossi reactor. In the Papp engine, helium is
>> the
>> > fuel and Argon is the catalyst. Jim Kettner is very open about his
>> > technology since most of it is in the public domain.
>> >
>> > Kettner's company “inteligentry, LTD,” is selling a demo unit to the
>> > experimenter types for $350 so that they can verify in their own minds
>> > that
>> > gas based LENR works. This LENR engine produced no heat. Its energy
>> output
>> > is strictly mechanical energy. A simple spark and frequency generator
>> are
>> > provide. The gas is user supplied.
>> >
>> > If you are interested, see
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Public domain LENR
>> > Fuel mix
>> > xenon 8.5
>> >
>> > krypton 12.5
>> >
>> > argon 16.9
>> >
>> > neon 26.3
>> >
>> > Helium comprise the remainder.
>> >  This technology shares most of the features that are currently under
>> > development by other LENR vendors and Focus Fusion. I will discuss
>> these
>> > similarities in another post.
>> > Cheers:     Axil
>> >

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