
The energy from this device would come from the atomic gas ion collisions
in the approx 1 TeV to 8 TeV range and should produce singularities (ion
collapse) which quickly evaporate releasing nuclear energy.  Just enough
and it will purr like a Schrodinger kitten.  Too many singularities or ones
with too large event horizons and she blows...

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Jouni Valkonen <>wrote:

> On 9 August 2012 02:12, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> From a systems engineering standpoint, it is a far better energy system
>> than the Rossi reactor because high efficiency is possible without high
>> heat production.
> Better, are you serious? This engine would immediately transform Earth
> Civilization into Star Trek age (by 2014 into Type I and by 2050 even into
> Type II civilization at Kardashev scale). With this engine, we could travel
> into Mars in just six days and into nearby stars in one generation.
> Although this is far better than any perpetual motion machine fancier has
> ever hoped for, I am a big fan of this thing. Not that I would not think
> that it is way too good to be true, but it feels just utterly good to take
> some vacations from reality and go Rohner's web pages and dream a little
> bit of fairy-tale world, where there are no scarcity from any material
> needs.
> Probably this is not real, because Rohner is religious and religion is
> somewhat antithesis for being smart, creative and scientific. It is sad,
> but that's the way it is. Same argument goes also for Rossi, btw.
> I would say that currently our best shot is in Celani. It would be huge
> boost for cold fusion research if he could make it replicable and that he
> could present a first ever convincing demonstration of cold fusion
> apparatus!
> –Jouni

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