Now I remember... this website looks real familiar; I've seen it before.



This Rohner family is a real piece of work... can anyone shed some light on 
just who is right?  Or since patents ran out, are they just trying to make the 
other look bad so they can get the business???


There are three Rohner's involved here, John, Tom and Bob.  Apparently Bob and 
Tom had a disagreement with brother John, and split many years ago.  And they 
have been feuding ever since!  Tom passed away so it's now John vs Bob... Here 
is a doc claiming fraud at John's site:


I've been involved in a number of startups that were also quite volatile, so 
this doesn't surprise me, but it makes it difficult to ascertain who's jivin' 


John has a patent, so does than make him the leader???


What we don't need is more drama... anybody have a drama vacuum cleaner?


-Mark Iverson



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