In the following video two aspects of time distortion are shown. The first is the making of a voltage system where the whole is greater then the sum of its parts. Here it is shown that 13+43.3=69.2, where the numbers express the vector addition of voltages created in time. The second portion is the showing of a system that reflects voltage back to its source so that when the third element or phase is added, the source of voltage actually increases, rather then decreasing, which is the normal function of the alternator when a resistive load is added. I now understand that when this occurs, a loss of amperage from the operation of the system on that phase does occur. First of all to show people what I am talking about I shut everything down, and then reconnect the three phases of off timed energy inputs in order, one at a time. By the time the third phase is added, the loads then start charging up their source of voltage, and about 60% more voltage appears from the sender source then should logically be present. Logic even dictates that if I put another load there on that phase giving out extra energy, the source of voltage would again be reduced to the amount shown at startup, but in the meantime this extra load has been powered for free! So when people ask me what my wireless tesla coil is good for, I tell them that it converts time into energy! Since this occurs we might call that kind of load a "negative" resistance, since it does the opposite from what an ordinary resistance will do. At the beginning of the video I open all the loads at their middle connection, so that the capacitors all read zero volts, and the coils all read zero amps. What has caused me to initially laugh about this situation is that even though zero current and zero voltage are being read across the capacitors, we can still determine the separation of timed impulses in time across those capacitors connected by only one delivery wire, in that if we take the remaining endings removed from their source, and measure the voltage between them they will read the source voltage! So essentially we have three voltage meters in series where the outside voltage meters read zero, but the inside one shows the voltage that will exist once we connect the circuits! It might seem like we have measured a voltage seemingly from nothing but this is simply the wrong way to look at things, so it seemed funny to me at first, but now it is common sense. ~60% Voltage Kickback from Load to Stator Source(ph3) Operation of Bipolar TC in Kickback Mode producing effect of load charging its own source of voltage. Effects include excess voltage noted between phases 1 & 3 where this represents quantities being over 180 phased in time. At 13:48 near end of video we have 69.2 volts appearing between 13 volts and 43.3 volts. The interphasal voltage meters with parenthesis are there to determine the phase angle of time between each separate voltage rise. The most that the 1-3 meter can record in our ordinary dimension of time having 360 degrees of time separation would be 13 + 43.3 = 56.3 volts, but it reads 23% over that value at 69.2 volts. So we cannot use the voltage meters to determine the total amount of time expansion involved, but rather then we must use the amperage stator amps/phase amps in delta delivery ratios to determine the amount of time expansion. At 8:37 both the left and right top stator amp meters show amperages slightly under the total amount of phase amperages existing on the arms of their load, accounting for 180 degrees of amperage difference in time on each ending delta triangle point. (If all the current from the phases returns on a stator line, the currents are 180 out of phase) The remaining stator line showing 1.18 A serving .49A and 1.45A shows a 42 degree phase angle by the law of cos.; which is used to determine any interior angle of a triangle once the outer lengths are given. 402 total degrees of time separation are proved in this video. Machines exhibiting a "localized" time space curvature are indeed possible. The 666 machine primary system used to power a wireless bipolar tesla coil literally converts time into energy, thus accounting for the phenomenal efficiency of its powering of loads. This is literally the discovery of a method to create and harness the manipulation of "curved" space-time to release energy by means of compression of magnetic fields in time, sourced from timings of resonance themselves separated in time, with the end result showing an expansion of time itself caused by those repelling magnetic fields. Sincerely Harvey D Norris
Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances