The hot fusion people and the nuclear physicist crowd will not believe that
LENR is real unless they see lots of neutrons; this is a good political
type experiment.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 7:06 PM, <> wrote:

> Well, Daniel
> If those neutrons are real, they would still be welcome news.
> Hopefully, the reaction could be modulated to reduce emissions, or their
> energies.
> -- LP
> Daniel Rocha wrote;
> > 6.2*10^7 neutrons per 5 min means 200 thousand neutrons per second. If
> > each
> > one carries 1MeV, that means 3*10^-10^-8J. There's about 3*10^7s every
> > year, which means about 1Joule of radiation emitted per year.
> >
> > According to wikipedia:
> >
> > " The International Commission on Radiological
> > Protection<
> >
> > (ICRP)
> > recommends limiting artificial irradiation of the public to an average of
> > 1
> > mSv (0.001 Sv) of effective dose per year, not including medical and
> > occupational
> > exposures.[1]<
> > "
> > Where 1 Sv = 1 J
> > <>/kg<
> >  =1Gy
> >
> > If those 62 million mean the total estimated from the source, given an
> > isotropic distribution, it means 1000x above maximum background levels.
> >
> > According to this entries:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It is hard to figure out the effects, at least for me, of such exposure
> > for
> > a long time. But, they are surely deadly.
> >
> > 2012/8/17 <>
> >
> >> Pardon if I missed this in the deluge of recent postings
> >>
> >> ICCF-17 Presentation -
> >>
> >> " Surface Effect for Gas Loading Micrograin Palladium for Low Energy
> >> Nuclear Reactions LENR"
> >> - Heinrich Hora1, George H Miley, Mark Prelas, Kyu Jung Kim, Xiaoling
> >> Yang
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> (Slide 2)
> >>
> >> Absolute confirmation of Nuclear Fusion from deuterated titanium using
> >> shock
> >> procedure
> >> - Mark Prelas: 62Million Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible
> >>
> >> It sounds like LENR appears in many guises.
> >>
> >> Does anyone have the accompanying paper?
> >>
> >> -- Lou Pagnucco
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Daniel Rocha - RJ
> >
> >

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