from Jed:


> The difference between Celani's 21 W and Rossi's 16 kW is unimportant, in my
> opinion. They are equally close to commercialization. The 16 kW looks more
> impressive to people who do not understand the technical issues. The
> megawatt reactor looks impressive to such people as well. To me, it looks
> like a gigantic white elephant. It is a distraction, and an absurd waste of
> time and effort. A dangerous piece of junk. No one in his right mind would
> buy it. I might buy one of those boxes inside it, but I would no more crank
> up the whole thing than I would try to fly the Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo
> 'Capronismo' -- a similar product of grandiose Italian engineering. Do a
> Google image search for "Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo" and you will see what I
> mean.

Yeah, but dang! It sure looks impressive! Do those wings flap?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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