Perhaps of relevance is the H-Chain modeling described in this paper:

The homogeneous (i.e., equispaced), linear, and peri-
odic chain of Hydrogen atoms (hereafter, the H-chain) is
commonly believed to be the simplest physical system de-
scribed by the one-band, periodic, one-dimensional (1D)
Hubbard Hamiltonian1 (see Eq. 11). This Hamiltonian
is *exactly solvable*2 and its solution predicts the H-chain
to be always a Mott-Hubbard (i.e., a strongly correlated)

Strong electronic correlation in the Hydrogen chain: a variational Monte
Carlo study

Lorenzo Stella, Claudio Attaccalite, Sandro Sorella, Angel Rubio
(Submitted on 8 Oct 2011)


In this article, we report a fully ab initio variational Monte Carlo study
of the linear, and periodic chain of Hydrogen atoms, a prototype system
providing the simplest example of strong electronic correlation in low
dimensions. In particular, we prove that numerical accuracy comparable to
that of benchmark density matrix renormalization group calculations can be
achieved by using a highly correlated Jastrow-antisymmetrized geminal power
variational wave function. Furthermore, by using the so-called "modern
theory of polarization" and by studying the spin-spin and dimer-dimer
correlations functions, we have characterized in details the crossover
between the weakly and strongly correlated regimes of this atomic chain.
Our results show that variational Monte Carlo provides an accurate and
flexible alternative to highly correlated methods of quantum chemistry
which, at variance with these methods, can be also applied to a strongly
correlated solid in low dimensions close to a crossover or a phase

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Ruby <> wrote:

> I have uploaded an interview with Edmund Storms on his new theory of what
> starts the cold fusion reaction.
> I'll be on the road, in my truck, headed to the Bay area (San Francisco
> California region for you non-left-coasters) for another interview, then up
> to Humboldt County to visit my storage unit (next to Hiro's), camp out in
> the Redwoods and edit lots more video.
> As such, I won't be monitoring comments on Cold Fusion Now, and I'm going
> to send any individuals interested in discussing the work here to this
> thread.  Is that illegal on Vortex?
> I am having alot of fun making these videos.
> Especially now that I've discovered the Zoom text on iMovie.
> Enjoy!
>  --
> Ruby Carat
> United States 1-707-616-4894
> Skype ruby-carat

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