An article on plasma shoch waves:

(July 18, 2012) — Throughout the universe more than 99 percent of matter
looks nothing like what's on Earth. Instead of materials we can touch and
see, instead of motions we intuitively expect like a ball rolling down a
hill, or a cup that sits still on a table, most of the universe is governed
by rules that react more obviously to such things as magnetic force or
electrical charge. It would be as if your cup was magnetized, perhaps
attracted to a metal ceiling above, and instead of resting, it floats up,
hovering somewhere in the air, balanced between the upward force and the
pull of gravity below.

This material that pervades the universe, making up the stars and our sun,
and also -- far less densely, of course -- the vast interstellar spaces in
between, is called plasma. Plasmas are similar to gases, and indeed are
made of familiar stuff such as hydrogen, helium, and even heavier elements
like iron, but each particle carries electrical charge and the particles
tend to move together as they do in a fluid. Understanding the way the
plasma moves under the combined laws of motion we know on Earth and the
less intuitive (to most Earthlings, at least) electromagnetic forces, lies
at the heart of understanding the events that spur giant explosions on the
sun as well as changes in Earth's own magnetic environment -- the

Understanding this mysterious world of plasma, however, is not easy. With
its complex rules of motion, the study of plasmas is rife with minute
details to be teased out.

"Which particles are moving, what is the source of energy for the motion,
how does a moving wave interact with the particles themselves, do the wave
fields rotate to the right or to the left -- all of these get classified,"
says Lynn Wilson who is a space plasma physicist at NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Wilson is the first author of a paper in Geophysical Research Letters that
was published on March 12, 2012. Using data from the WAVES instrument on
NASA's Wind mission, he and his colleagues have discovered evidence for a
type of plasma wave moving faster than theory predicted it could move. The
research suggests that a different process than expected, electrical
instabilities in the plasma, may be driving the waves. This offers
scientists another tool to understand how heat and energy can be
transported through plasma.

For the study, Wilson examined coronal mass ejections (CMEs) -- clouds of
solar material that burst off the sun and travel through space -- that move
so much faster than the background solar wind that they create shock waves.
These shock waves are similar to those produced by a supersonic jet when it
moves faster than the speed of sound in our atmosphere.

"A bow shock is a little like a snow plow," says Adam Szabo, a space
scientist at Goddard who is a co-author on the paper and also the project
scientist for Wind. "The wave picks up particles that are traveling more
slowly and speeds them up, piling them up in front as it moves."

Of course, the snow plow is a non-magnetic analogy, and that's where things
get sticky. With a snow plow one would never expect a cloud of snowflakes
to magically lift up from the shock and begin to speed ahead, streaming
down the street faster than the rest of the plow's pile. But in the
magnetized gas ahead of the shock, Wind observed a large wave in the plasma
-- a wave moving faster than it should be able to travel if it had been
made by the shock.

The wave in this case is called a Whistler wave. (Classification, for those
who want the nitty gritty: an electromagnetic wave, carried by electrons,
right polarized, propagates obliquely to the magnetic field.) Since the
wave couldn't be created by the shock, the Wind observations suggest that
perhaps the waves are created by instabilities out in front of the shock.
This is not in itself surprising. The Wind data used by Wilson can measure
magnetic field information at 1875 samples per second and new qualities of
observations always produce new sights. But the team is surprised by how
large the waves are.

"The waves are massive," says Wilson. "They are almost as big as the shock

Such size means the waves may play a larger role than previously thought in
the quest to understand the ways that different types of energy converts
from one form to another. In this context, two kinds of energy are of
interest: bulk kinetic energy, which relates to the collective movement of
a bulk of particles, and random kinetic energy, which relates to the speeds
at which particles move with respect to each other. Increased random
kinetic energy is, in fact, the very definition of heating, since
temperature measurements are a characterization of how fast particles are
moving within any given material. Large amplitude Whistler waves are known
to cause both bulk acceleration and an increase in random kinetic energy,
that is, the very temperature of a material.

So, this suggests that shocks and the instabilities they create may play a
larger role in transferring the energy from the plasma's bulk movement into
heat, than previously thought. Wilson believes that the instabilities
caused something called perpendicular ion heating -- a process that
increases the random kinetic energy of the positively-charged ions in a
direction perpendicular to the background magnetic field. The waves also
added energy to the negatively-charged electrons -- with the greatest
effects observed not being heating, the random kinetic energy, but bulk
acceleration in a direction parallel to the magnetic field.

"The same type of wave-particle interaction is thought to happen in solar
flares, the heating of the sun's corona, and supernova blast waves," says
Wilson. "All of these energizations have very similar properties. Now we
have evidence that these Whistler-like fluctuations may be causing heating
in all these places."

Understanding the mechanics behind all these events requires collating and
categorizing an entire zoo of waves and processes. Wilson's work may be but
one piece of a larger puzzle, but together, teasing out the motions of
plasmas will help scientists describe the laws of motion that govern the
entire universe.

Cheers:   Axil

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Yes, he tried air in a past trial and air expantion was greater than the
> noble gas mix. Popping air caused all sorts of chemical reactions and was
> smelly. Hydrogen expantion is the most powerful so far.
> Cheers:Axil
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 8:33 PM, David Roberson <>wrote:
>> Thanks for posting the link to this interesting experimentation Axil.  I
>> do not recall Russ stating that he tried normal room air in a test.  Do you
>> know whether or not he tried this?  It would seem like an obvious thing to
>> do.
>>  Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Axil Axil <>
>> To: vortex-l <>
>> Sent: Sat, Sep 29, 2012 5:26 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Open Source Papp Update
>>  Russ
>> got the popper to work using hydrogen in a proof of principle exercise. The
>> force produced by the hydrogen gas expansion is substantial and there also
>> seems to be an electric charge feedback happening.  Cheers:   Axil
>> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:46 AM, ecat builder <>wrote:
>>> Hi Vortex,
>>> Some updates on Papp development.. Which most of you know is a noble gas
>>> that is charged (by RF/spark) and drives a piston with an unexplained (?)
>>> force. Harvesting the force and residual energy to produce overunity power
>>> remains to be seen.
>>> An open source Papp Engine based on Bob's design is being built by a 26
>>> yr old whiz named Russ.
>>> He has made great progress in just a few weeks-- a cylinder based on
>>> Bob's test unit, spark generator, gas system, and more.
>>> I'm sure he'll be looking for ideas on how to mix and test noble gas
>>> mixtures.
>>> Bob is chiming in with feedback, which is great to see. The forum is at
>>> 12 pages and is filled with interesting tidbits.
>>> Here is a (self-taught?) Dannel Roberts and his visit to Bob's shop.
>>> Starting at 22:40 is Robert's theory of how the Papp engine creates a
>>> bang...
>>> Chuck (a LENR replicator) received his Popper Kit from John. It contains
>>> 15 pages of design/build notes and has a signal generator to drive 2
>>> included spark coils.
>>> Bob Rohner has also produced a few new movies, one warning of the
>>> potential dangers of building a popper.. another showing the system running
>>> without a coil, dispelling the thought that the coil could be the source of
>>> the force, showing that compressed air is not used.
>>> All very interesting, but a lot of power is going in (300 joules?) so a
>>> lot of work, luck, and miracles may still be needed.
>>> - Brad

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