It has long been my belief that the government uses inflation to pay off the 
debts that are incurred.  This is a great way to take away assets from those 
who hold them in the form of cash equivalents.  The recent actions of the FED 
will result in dangerous inflation so now is a good time to borrow as much as 
you can at low fixed rates for the longest period possible.  I saw a reference 
that suggested that a 30 year home mortgage rate is 3.36%; what a deal.


-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 4, 2012 11:46 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

In reply to's message of Thu, 4 Oct 2012 10:12:31 -0400
>Jojo Jaro  
>Did you watch the debate.  Romney will not increase taxes, not reduce military 
spending, not reduce social spending, not reduce entitlements, and, in the 
process,  reduce the dept.
>Why would you vote for someone who cannot add?  Smoke and mirrors never works.

That's easy to do. Cancel the bonds held by the Federal reserve, received in
exchange for printed money. ;)

IOW simply declare the debt null and void, then print greenbacks again.

Note that it's not so much the debt that is a problem, as the interest paid on
the bonds. Because of this, when the Fed. came out with QE3 all they were really
saying is "we have decided to give ourselves billions of your dollars regularly,
more of less indefinitely, while telling you that we are helping the economy".
No wonder some observers have been wondering just how much "good" it will do. :)

BTW does anyone know if bonds are redeemed when old Federal reserve notes are
taken out of circulation?


Robin van Spaandonk


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