It's possible my recent little mini-rant gave many Vorts the
impression that I believe that the "Rich and Powerful" are evil
miscreants, that I believe the majority of U.S. citizens who reside in
so-called 98% under/middle class should rise up and overthrow the
alleged tyranny of the greedy, the so-called "Rich and Powerful" -
yada-yada and so forth.

Personally, I suspect "greed" is a natural component of our
psychological and physiological makeup. It's in our genes, and for
good reason. Greed, specifically the action of hoarding helped our
ancient ancestors survive slim-pickens, such as when hunting for game
was at best a precarious job skill, and famine prevailed throughout
the land.

However, today the entire world is slowing transforming (granted, in
fits and starts) into a technologically automated society, where most
of our needs will available to us via technology, through the wonders
of automation and robotics. The absolute need to follow many of our
prior genetically built-in biological imperatives, particularly the
greed to amass as much money as one can (and all the privileges
associated with "money) is becoming increasingly more

A modern working-class society, a modern economy cannot flourish
unless the middle class can secure sufficient discretionary "income"
in which to purchase goods and services that in-turn are mostly
created by the working class. If too much discretionary currency ends
up in the coffers of just a few rich and powerful individuals and
corporations the economy of the majority of working class citizens
collapses because of working classes' inability to support it.

That's were government regulation has to step in and help level the
playing field. It will not be easy, nor will all adjustments be
perfect. Needless to say, the Rich and Powerful will resist. The Tea
Party will resist! ;-) Just keep in mind, however, that it's just our
genes telling to prepare for famine. But this time... maybe this time
we don't have to believe "famine" is just around the corner, not when
technology, automation, and robotics are rapidly becoming the new
underclass of our modern society. It's an underclass that will never
demand expensive health insurance, or join a union and constantly go
on strike for a pay raise.

Unfortunately, old habits - particularly some of those faithful genes
associated with greed - are going to be with us for a very long time.

This will be an interesting presidential election. I hope it won't be
ruled by our genes.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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