Based on my own past associations with Mr. Krivt, he really likes to
bring it on. I think Krivit envisions himself as one of those scrappy
investigators that likes to stick it to his targets - like a festering
thorn. This tactic often seemed to have worked in past investigations.
However, it remains to be seen if it will produce the desired results
against Rossi. I suspect Rossi is a lot more resilient than SK is
capable of comprehending.

It seems to me that constantly bringing up Rossi's past "white collar"
convictions suggests (at least to me) that Mr. Krivit may not really
have all that much hard evidence in which to convict Rossi with. I was
also struck by something Mr. Rothwell recently brought up:

> Perhaps Krivit feels the original [white collar conviction]
> sentence was just and should not have been overturned.

It seems to me that Mr. Krivit continues to bring up Rossi's past
convictions for no other reason than it suits him to perceive Mr.
Rossi as a nothing more than unsavory criminal. In a sense Rossi has
become the personification of an evil character that Krivit needs to
place on a pedestal - an effigy to constantly spit at. I suspect
Krivit has felt this way with other individuals, including one
particularly vocal Vort member who begged to differ with the
investigative reporter's extensive analysis of McKubre's M4 data. In
Krivit's mind, Rossi has become a personification of everything that
is bad about the Alternative Energy world. Captain Ahab is hunting his

I think it's pretty obvious to most that there is little respect &
affection between Rossi and Krivit. As such,I have little faith in
Krivit's ability to be objective when it comes to analyzing the
complexities and contradictions that make up Andrea Rossi's persona.
It's as if it's beyond Krivit's capacity. I recall a previous attempt
on Krivit's part to make Rossi out as a befuddled thinker in front of
his readership. He quoted Andrea's broken and halting English speech
patterns verbatim in an attempt to insinuate that Rossi couldn't think
very clearly. To have done so in such a manner is something no
professional reporter in his right mind would think of doing. But that
didn't stop Mr. Krivit, whom I presume perceives himself as a
professional investigative reporter.

Perhaps Mr. Krivit might complain that I'm bringing up something a
little unsavory from the reporter's own past reporting style that
perhaps he is no longer happy about. Perhaps he even wishes it would
remain buried. If so, what compassion and understanding has Mr. Krivit
shown towards Rossi, of Rossi's alleged past - which incidentally in
the eyes of the law Rossi was exonerated of?

With that said, I can understand why Mr. Krivit remains highly
suspicious of Mr. Rossi. The blatant truth of the matter is that this
flamboyant Italian does not help his own case. As I understand it,
Rossi's refuses to be up front with his own experimental data. It
makes him out to be a charlatan in the eyes of many. Most have every
right to remain suspicious of Mr. Rossi! To me, Rossi, comes across as
a kind of carnival barker.

We shall see what this curious Italian; a flamboyant character of
history will offer up next. A "cat" on a hot nickel roof would be
nice, or perhaps a cup of hot tea. But who really knows.

Never a dull moment.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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