OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Krivit has felt this way with other individuals, including
> one particularly vocal Vort member who begged to differ with
> the investigative reporter's  extensive analysis of McKubre's M4 data.

Who? Me? Krivit is silly about this. McKubre is pretty upset with him

> In Krivit's mind, Rossi has become a  personification of everything
> that is bad about the Alternative Energy world. Captain Ahab is hunting
> his whale.

Good analogy.

I have to agree that Rossi does personify many of the problems in this
field. The "own worse enemy" syndrome in particular.

> I think it's pretty obvious to most that there is little respect
> & affection between Rossi and Krivit.

I don't mind Krivit. I guess I would if he attacked me the way he attacks

I think he is being very silly when he pontificates about theory and
promotes the W-L theory. I admire his chutzpah when he gets his views into
the New York Times and the ANS, but I also cringe. As I wrote here: "This
would be like me singing at the Metropolitan Opera even though I am tone
deaf and unable to read music."

The way I see it, Krivit is annoying, but you have to annoying to survive
in this field. As I have related before --

I was once kvetching to Mizuno about how the researchers in this field are
a bunch of stubborn, self-centered stick-in-the-muds. He said, "yeah, we
are, but if we weren't we would have quit long ago."


- Jed

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