Jed sez:

>> Krivit has felt this way with other individuals, including one
>> particularly vocal Vort member who begged to differ with the
>> investigative reporter's  extensive analysis of McKubre's M4 data.
> Who? Me? Krivit is silly about this. McKubre is pretty upset with him
> though.

Nope! Not you Jed! Guess again. ;-)

> I was once kvetching to Mizuno about how the researchers in this field
> are a bunch of stubborn, self-centered stick-in-the-muds. He said,
> "yeah, we are, but if we weren't we would have quit long ago."

Probably true.

It's possible I'm being harder on Krivit than necessary.Nevertheless,
his handling or Rossi's broken English was the straw that really broke
the back for me.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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