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 Today, 12:26 AM
Post: #1120
    Chan Offline
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    Posts: 20
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RE: Let's build A "Popper" Noble Gas Engine AKA Ppap Engine.
Papp dissociates deoxygenated water to produce
a corona containing "atomic" hydrogen and applies
a burst of electrons via capacitors to create a
plasma of H + - => H- which rapidly expands because
of electrostatic repulsion.
RWG dissociates H2 to produce a corona containing
"atomic" hydrogen and applies
a burst of electrons via capacitors to create a
plasma of H + - => H- which rapidly expands because
of electrostatic repulsion.
Congratulations! That is a patentable discovery.
It's all about explosive bursts into high energy
plasma, shall we say clouds. You did this. Please
do not neglect chamber shape (Toroids Referenced)
electromagnet field influences and radio frequency
injection. Electronics are important but of a
secondary nature, mostly already studied and
solved by yourself.
May God continue to guide you and nurture your
gifts to proceed to even more fundamental

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