Just to be clear on something I recently opined. It’s one thing to
express a personal opinion of extreme doubt and suspicion, as I have
recently done. It’s quite another thing to assume one’s personal
opinion is the correct one that other’s should emulate.

If there is the slightest chance that this outfit has something valid,
I do not wish to in any impede them (financially or politically) in
their efforts to bring such a new technology out into the open.

OTOH, simply based on just the general appearance they exude… and all
I know is that I want to run in the opposite direction as fast as I
can. I’m left with a subjective impression that what this all seems to
boil down to is: “We need more money to get our baby off the ground”.
Maybe they do… maybe they truly do. But not with my money. It would be
useful to locate a competent individual or organization that has
performed due-diligence on this outfit. Does such an animal exist?
Would they willing to go on the record and express what they have

Steven Vincent Johnson

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