I think Michio Kaku's remarks of last week are also relevant -

Kaku: Fukushima reactors “a ticking time bomb” — “Catastrophe beyond
comprehension” if major pipe break or quake (VIDEO)


Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
>> This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and
>> in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll.
> For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It didn't
> "work" on me.
> I think that was a interesting thread. I added some comments that may be
> news to people here, such as the fact that the Japanese are engaged in a
> multi-year nationwide project to improve the earthquake resistance of
> their
> schools and other buildings. They began this before the 2011 earthquake.
> This is a much better use of construction money than building roads where
> no needs them.
> I am afraid the new P.M. Abe (second term) may go right back to the LDP's
> worst policies of building stuff no one wants.
> I think Abe is more in favor of using nuclear power than the present
> administration.
> - Jed

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