At 01:10 PM 12/18/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <<>> wrote:

This particular post trolled Jed. It was highly sarcastic and in-your-face. It worked, and Jojo has shown great skill as a troll.

For the record, I did not notice this. I trash his messages. It didn't "work" on me.

Actually, Jed, it did. I also trash his messages (they go into a quarantine folder which I don't routinely read).

However, you responded in the thread he started, not to him, directly, but to others responding to him. He then has an excuse to claim that the "rabid AGW propagandists in this forum." are dominating the forum and that he therefore has the right of reply. He can take almost any comment from you related in some way to AGW -- or any other Favorite Topic -- as "rabid."

I think that was a interesting thread.

It could be. It was certainly popular, i.e., as I mentioned, I counted 53 posts this morning in the thread he started. Ten were from you. That's just a fact, I'm not saying it's wrong or improper, just that this is what happened.

The problem is not Jojo's opinion on AGW. It's how every discussion becomes a personal attack, either literally against a participant, or of a group that someone might belong to -- a religious or ethnic or political group. And his positions are impervious to evidence, so that any actual discussion that arises goes nowhere but into stronger and stronger personal attacks. Yes, some might be considered to be aimed at him. But that's what trolls do. They set this up.

Yes, you trash his messages. But some don't, and they respond to them, and then you respond to those messages.

There is nothing wrong, per se, with discussing almost any topic here, to a degree. However, there has always been attention paid to *how* topics are discussed.

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