At 01:07 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Lomax is lying again. I'm not surprised. It is OK for him to lie as long as his goal are "honorable" and good for islam and muhammed.

No. It is not OK for me to lie for a supposedly noble goal. I wrote about when it's permissible to lie, and it's only permissible to prevent serious physical harm. And "islam" and "muhammad" can't be harmed.

OK, let me ask anybody here. Who has actually seen Obama's Birth Certificate in actuality?

I'll answer that. What is a "birth certificate?" I had to supply oodles of them to the U.S. government, to the Chinese government, and the Ethiopian government. What they actually wanted was something that is legally *completely equivalent* to the "original birth certificate." That is, a copy that is signed and sealed by a state employee as being a true copy of the "original."

But perhaps Jojo means the "original." Okay, it's been seen by the clerk who filled it out. The doctor who signed it. The state agency that filed it. Any employee of that agency who made a copy of the birth certificate had to see it, legally, to verify that the copy was a true copy. And the original sat in an archive, being occasionally accessed to make copies.

Then Hawaii computerized. Apparenty all the birth certificates in the state were computerized. They entered the data into a secure computer system. Did they enter all the data? No. They only entered the legally relevant data that is needed for what birth certificates are needed for. The date and time of birth, the parents, the location of birth, and other information, but not such things as the name of the delivering physician. Once that was done, providing a "birth certificate" for Hawaii then became a matter of accessing the computer record and printing it out, and certifying the copy.

That's what Obama originally provided, *the same as everyone else needing to certify a birth in Hawaii.* But the birthers demanded to see the "vault" certificate. It was legally insane. If someone really suspected that the ordinary certificate was forgery, the appropriate action would be to make a complaint under Hawaiian law (and to knowingly provide a false birth certificate for federal purpose could also violate federal law).

Hawaii does not routinely provide a copy of the vault certificate, and the reason is obvious: they want to limit access to those highly valuable original documents. Obama eventually requested a copy. He *cannot* request the original. Members of the public cannot view these, access is restricted. A court could order inspection, to be sure. If there were a criminal investigation, where fraud were suspected, the original is there, and that is the very reason it is so protected. So it will be there. I would assume tight access control.

The Hawaiian Secretary of State, who has authority over the records, decided to allow a certified copy of the vault certificate to be made. This is all covered in news reports, by the way. An offical signed the copy, and it was provided to Obama.

Obama then held a press conference. He showed the certified copy. He also provided ordinary copies to the press. A scan was put up on the internet. Had the scan been a full, high-resolution scan, it would have been an enormous file, and given the demand for the copy, it would have crashed the server.

  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the Internet.

There copy on the internet is "altered." Not in a way that you can casually see, though, because the alteration is simply file compression, using standard procedures, it's done automatically by PDF programs. What they do is to search the document for areas that are similar enough to each other that they can be replaced by a single image, with the other similar instances becoming *exact* copies of that. You see this all the time, most images on the internet have been compressed. It's subtle, you have to closely examine these similar areas -- which have become *exact* areas -- and notice that the fine detail, pixel by pixel, is identical -- which is highly unlikely in an original scan of typewritten material. Letters are very similar, but not exact on a pixel scale.

So people looked at the internet images and noticed letters that were exact copies of other letters. Aha! Caught them! They were really excited, and I can understand. They thought that, in order to alter the document, someone had copied and pasted letters from one place on the document to another, in order to alter the text, replacing the original text with something else.

When I first saw the birther excitement about the "alterations," I thought they might have something. I know about image compression, but simply didn't think of it. The claim raised a severe puzzle, but, hey, life can be puzzling. But I continued searches, and found quickly that this claim had been quite carefully addressed, by experts. Artifact of file compression.

Now, I know that thinking is uncommon for people like Jojo, but one might try this on: We are talking about an alleged forgery over an issue that, in the thinking of the birthers, involves governmental-level issues. If a President wanted to forge a fake birth certificate, how would he do it?

He certainly and absolutely would not do it this way. It would be phenomenally clumsy. No, there would be a very covert break-in at the Hawaiian record facility. An employee there might be compromised. (What would be the budget of this project?) The original certificate would be replaced with a copy made on the same model of typewriter, effectively indistinguishable from the original, except, of course, for the alterations.

Now, back up. What alterations? Is there a certificate for Obama in Hawaii? There are "judicial certificates" issued for people not born in a state, I know, because I've obtained them twice. That's pretty much it. Was Obama adopted? Well, this idea has two major problems: a judicial certificate would still show the location of birth, it's not the same as an original certificate. The computerized copies would be different from ordinary certificates. (I don't know Hawaaian details, but I'd assume that the state procedures are not *utterly incompetent.*) The other problem is the birth announcements in Hawaiian newspapers. He was born in Hawaii, or someone was setting up a fraud that long ago.

  Not snopes which is a political hack job.

It's all over the internet. It's not just one site. And precisely what is wrong with snopes. I didn't cite snopes and I don't recall even seeing it.

If Obama supposedly was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, right?


OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to one, only one, highly respected individual.

He showed it to the press. I do not know what individuals he's shown it to.

Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like. Just one well respected Tea Party member or a well respected Republican congressman or senator. Let him handle that original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and make an official scan open to the public and call an open honest press conference.

Has any such "well-respected individual" been refused? The prominent "birthers" fell silent. There aren't enough serious birthers left to justify calling a press conference. It's not news any more. It's over. It's *far* more over than, say, cold fusion in 1990. It's truly dead.

But Jojo never gives up. Talk about "die-hard believer." There is no credible evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii. The claims were all based on speculation, generally of the "how come" variety. How come his father claimed his race as "African" in 1961? Wasn't that an anachronism?

Well, did he? People assume *so* much. Fathers don't provide the information on birth certificates, generally, mothers do. The father was an academic. He was, indeed, from Africa. And Stuff Happens. You can *always* find suspicious "facts" if you look hard enough.

Not a white house press conference which is questionable to begin with.

Everything he does is wrong, out of the box, to Jojo. Why *not* a "white house press conference"? Is Jojo claiming that every reporter there would be "in on the scam"?

This is very simple and the Birther movement will die an untimely death and I will apologize and tuck my tail between my legs in shame and go away.

Liar. It's already dead.

Lomax lies when he says we have seen the official BC.

You never will, unless you go to Hawaii and are hired to work in the archive, and you break the law and access the record on your personal initiative. Or legally, and legally, if you get yourself elected Secretary of State, you might be able to see it as well. Not sure that would be legal, though. There is *legal process* for access to those records.

You will also never see the certified copy. You have already seen a copy of the certified copy. Now, you can bet that the reporters at the press conference looked that "original certified copy," i.e., the sealed copy. If they were worth their salt, they knew the contested fields. Is Jojo claimng that they would not blow the whistle? All of them would not?

Okay, there is another way to Keep the Dream Alive. The "original" shown at the press was fake. If anyone here thinks that a sophsticated forger -- and a U.S. President would have access to one, through the CIA, if nowhere else (the risk of doing so is something else, it's a reason why conspiracy theories like this are prety implausible) -- wouldn't have a very good-looking seal, quite like the real thing. It would, in fact, be easy to make such a seal, if you have the original sealed copy.

Do we think that Obama is showing a fake certificate, knowing that it's fake? That would be an impeachable offense, and would *actually risk losing the office.* Why would he take such a risk? To satisfy "birthers"? You have *got* to be kidding! He could have stonewalled forever. He had no legal necessity to obtain and show the original. And he does happen to have a government to run.

We have not; no one has.

He's lying. Quite simply, Jojo says whatever he wants to say, without any regard for the truth. He should know that many people have seen the original, including the clerk who copied the original data into the Hawaiian computerized records, and the state official who certified the copy, who would be guilty of a crime if it was a false certification. The latter was very recent, knowing that this whole thing was receiving great public attention. Those are not conditions which inspire forgers and accomplices to think they can get away with it. All it would take is a court order to see the original, and the jinx would be up. And some people would go to prison, and a President, if complicit -- and maybe even if not, depending on what the original shows -- would lose his office.

That official knows what the issues are. If the released copy is materially different from the vault copy, he'd know it.

What we've seen which Lomax claims is the official BC is a scanned photoshop file.

No. Jojo is not careful in what he says. Obama was provided with a printed copy, probably scanned and printed from the original. You can see the shadows from the original being bound in a book, that is how these things are done. (It's much harder to loose a bound book than a single piece of paper. Someone could walk out of a secure area with a piece of paper, not so easy with one of these thick books.)

Since Jojo mentioned Snopes, it's now the number one hit if you google "Obama birth certificate."

If it's a "political hack job," someone deserves a raise. I'm going to stop giving detailed evidence. That page is thorough.

No one except Obama and alledgedly snopes have seen it.

Snopes has seen it? They don't seem to claim that!

Why?  Is anybody buying Lomax's argument?

It really doesn't matter, because nobody sane is buying the birther story any more. This is what Jojo bring here, and he's got a whole string of these, I'm sure he could trot out more.

It's very simple my friends, if there is an officially issued BC, complete with seal, and signature of the official representative of the State of Hawaii, just show it.

It's been shown. A copy was given to reporters (I would assume that this copy was not made from a compressed scan. If so, yeah, that would be *stupid.*) A copy that to the eye looks the *same* was released on the internet. That's what good file compression does, remove information that is irrelevant to the eye.

No amount of spin or eloquence or tiresome lengthy essay will overcome this very strong argument. Just show it. Period.

Why are you telling me this? This is a variety of an old argument: Do as I say or you are a liar and a fraud.

Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii Ambercrombie - a democrat, strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and for all. So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC. Guess what? Even he can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access to his vault records. Why is there an executive order to block access to Obama's vault BC.

Fascinating. Is there such an Executive Order? That would be quite odd. Legally, the President has no authority over Hawaiian officials, unless a federal issue could be shown. and this would not qualify.

This is the first time it has ever happened to a sitting president.

Indeed. Has it happened? I have not researched this. I do not doubt that the governor of Hawaii might not be able to look at the documents, on his own initiative. That, however, would not apply just to Obama's records, but to *all birth records.* I'd assume that Hawaiian law or legally established departmental regulation would protect the records from access outside established procedure. An Executive Order? My, my.

True story? I will research it, this is fascinating, even though Jojo has a *really low batting average,* close to zero.

What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault copy BC?

Plenty. There are very good reasons why access to them is limited. It's to protect them from loss or alteration, in fact.

If he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with verifying it with the vault copy?

That was done by the state officials.

Why does Obama feel the need to go out of his way to issue an executive order to block access?

Did he?

You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their history. Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.

Or someone is, at least, corrupt and lying. Hey, Jojo, there is an old technique: repeat after me, "The curse of God on me if I'm lying." I just said that for myself. Your turn.

Don't say it if you are not sure.

And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned with this issue. Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on this issue. But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly reintall their puppet president. And they have found willing sheeple in Lomax. LOL......

If over 60% of Americans believe that, there is something they could do. How does Jojo know what "60% of Americans believe"?

I believe that President Obama "should come clean" on this, if there is anything hidden. I don't get that there is anything hidden, so how I'd answer a survey would depend on the question, and, as well, on when it was asked.

This post is separately sent, I have not yet verified or falsified the claim that Abercrombie, the governor of Hawaii, could not access the Obama birth records because of an "executive order." I will follow up.


(I am now removing copies of prior posts in the thread, per list rules. Jojo was respondng to the following post.)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

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