Jones sez:

> An intriguing side issue of this ... that is, the general concept of
> - maybe it has been done already, and maybe we should be looking for an
encoded message
> which has been here for millions of years. Actually there are themes in
SciFi which have
> explored a similar possibility- that there are messages awaiting us in

After considerable deliberation (plus the aid of several overheated DARPA
supercomputers) an obscure piece "junk" DNA code, found exclusively in the
"X" chromosome of the homo sapiens genome, was decoded and subsequently
translated into English as meaning the following:

"Model 23A - CLEVER MONKEY with 5 digits / base 10 configuration, (no
tail)": Universal Copyright patent held by the Zeta Reticuli Consortium. All
rights reserved. Revision 34.559576-42. Expiration date: 2305 AD +/- 200
years. The next planned upgrade is currently in progress. Expected
completion of download and installation: approximately 2150 AD +/- 50 years.
Latest download includes bug fixes as documented by the Official Standards
of Zeta Catch-and-Release Consortium, as lawfully monitored under the
Regulus / Tau Ceti treaty.

There remains considerable debate over the meaning of the term: "download
and installation".

* * * * * * *

Talk later... The mother ship is on the other line.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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