Yes, I stand corrected.

If calling for the open, transparent and proper accountability of his qualifications is an insult, then yes, I've insulted Obama.

If calling for the proper transparency and objectivity from Darwinian Evolutionist is an insult, then yes, I've insulted them (Notice how Lomax clouds the issue. My problem is with Darwinian Evolutionists, not Evolutionary Biogists. This is the crux of the issue. Everyone is lulled into the belief that evolution automatically mean Darwinian Evolution. It does not. I happen to believe in evolution also. I believe in microevolution because I can see it with my own eyes. I haven't seen a turtle turn into a bird. LOL...)

If telling the truth about muhammed and his practice of dozens of wives and concubines is an insult, then yes, I've insulted him. (It's your problem if you find the truth about your prophet offensive.)

Not sure how I could have insulted A'isha.

I have not insulted Abraham and Sarah. I pointed out that what they did was wrong. Even the Angel that promised Sarah a son corrected Abraham in this matter saying that the son you born with Haggar (Sarah's maid) will not inherit Abraham's wealth. He put aside the illegitimate child (Ishmael) in favor for the promised child (Isaac). I understand muslims find this offensive because they (modern muslim arabs) predominantly descended from the lineage of Ishmael, so they like to claim first born preferencial kinship to Abraham, but that is in fact not what the Bible said. Isaac was to be the one in favor over Ishmael. Ishmael was to be sent away.

If muslims find the truth about their god and prophet an insult, then yes, I have insulted muslims by saying their god is the moon god of muhammed's tribe and muhammed had dozens of wives and concubines and had a 9 year old sex toy. All of which is the truth. So, muslims find the truth offensive. Interesting.

Which Hawaiian State Registrar are you referring to? Name please? Are you implying that he or she has seen the original Birth Certificate. If so, I'd be curious if he said that the scanned copy he saw on the Internet is the same as the vault copy. As far as I know, no state official has actually said that the BC on the Internet was accurate. All they said was that they have the oriignal copy of Obama's BC under vault. They never mentioned anything about what it contained. Everyone was too afraid to cross the Illuminati.

But other than these people that I have "insulted", have I actually insulted anyone in Vortex-l first without being insulted first?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:List integrity

At 09:29 PM 12/29/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
... my caustic postings are exclusively directed at people who insult me;

I challenged anyone to sieve thru the archives to see if I have insulted people who have not insulted me.

Barack Obama. Evolutionary biologists. Muhammad. His wife, Ayesha. Abraham and his wife Sarah. Every Muslim on the planet. (That's, what, one out of four people?) I could add, for example, the Hawaiian State Registrar, who apparently does not exist in Jojo's eyes, or is lying.

Qutie obviously, Bill has examined the situation in Vortex-L and has seen that what I am doing here does not deserve banning like many of these trolls would like to advocate. But if he does ban me due to mob pressure, I will still not change my response to obvious bullies.

I doubt very much that Bill has looked at the situation. Bill will not respond to "mob pressure," I'm sure.

I have not advocated banning Jojo. I've advocated warning him.

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