>From Mr. Lomax:


> ... But Jojo's writings here also vary in quality. 

> Sometimes his spelling is atrocious,

> sometimes accurate.


I have been wondering if Mr. Jaro drinks. In fact, for some time now I have
wondered if Mr. Jaro drinks a lot. It might help explain some of his
occasionally caustic posting behaviors.  Alcoholism, among other issues.


It's possible that if one were to sift through the history of Mr. Jaro's
postings one might begin to discern a distinct 24 hour pattern as to when
his spelling tends to be accurate and when it becomes less so. Quite
frankly, it's beyond my desire to care to find out. However there might be
others on this list that might consider it an interesting challenge.


I'm wondering if Jojo needs an intervention. (Not my department.)



Steven Vincent Johnson



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