At 11:01 PM 12/30/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <<>> wrote:

Nevertheless, I personally prefer to commend him for honestly noting the importance of the Miles experiment. He did not attempt to impeach Miles or his methods, and he honestly stated why he thought that Miles would not be confirmed.

Oh come now. We are talking about John Huizenga here. Don't be a sap. Don't be a goody-two-shoes. Huizenga was a hatchet man appointed by the DoE to crush this field. He bragged about that in his book!

Got a citation for that claim, Jed? I'd rather not waste time scouring that mess for it.

The man knew perfectly well that Miles and others had detected helium. I saw Miles tell him that at ICCF4. Huizenga lied though his teeth, repeatedly, about this and about every other aspect of cold fusion.

He covers the helium evidence in the first edition. He doesn't ignore it. He does err, for sure. He treats confirmations as if they were original reports.

He knew about Miles heat results even before the ERAB report, and he deliberately said nothing.

We actually don't know that. We know that Miles called and left a message. We don't know what happened to the message. Jed, if you have evidence for what you say, please, provide it. Tell us how you know what you claim. Or are you just making assumptions.

 He covered up, distorted, lied and did whatever else it took to win.

Or he was losing it. Alternative explanations. The DoE review was definitely designed to quickly dispose of cold fusion. The real problem was that it wasn't done with balance, and that the DoE did not follow the recommendations of the review. If we have the history right, Ramsey had to threaten to resign to get a decent report at all.

I do not mean that Huizenga secretly believed Miles. Of course he did not!

He didn't believe Miles, and he says why. No gammas. That was a sign of rigid thinking. Huizenga never shows any hint, that I've seen, that he realized the nature of the problem. He certainly wasn't the only one to fall into that trap.

He expected that Miles would not be confirmed, and, unfortunately, that was a fairly common characteristic of cold fusion reports, it is still often true. But you aren't getting this, Jed. Huizenga acknowledged the significance of Miles' work "if confirmed." That's far more than, say, Park.

He, along with Robert Park and others said that the results are mistakes and that all cold fusion researchers are liars, frauds and criminals. I am sure they believe that, with all their hearts. And all their pocketbooks.

Park has sometimes modified his stridence on this. He doesn't actually say what you claim here. These people are not scientists, though, not really. They absolutely were not careful about claims. Parks book is much better written than Huizenga, but it's still a farrago of stuff, extended pseudoskeptical rambling without any reocgnition of the real problems of exploring the frontiers of science, no balance.

His purpose was to preserve funding for high energy physics,

That would be the purpose of the person who called for the ERAB Panel and designed the charge. Important purpose, wouldn't you say. Many institutions and careers dependent on that flow of cash. Do you expect something different from government?

I do, in fact, I expect concern for things like that, but *also* provision for the long-term. It appears that nobody held the DoE's feet to the fire for not following their own recommendations in 1989 and 2004. That will change.

 and to destroy the reputations and careers of anyone who got in his way.

Park. Not necessarily Huizenga, but I'm not sure.

People like him are a dime a dozen in billion-dollar budget academia. They run the plasma fusion program, and they are responsible for the many Hubble telescope fiascos. (See the book "Hubble Wars.") This is about money and power.

Those stories exist.

Now, Jed. Gibbs. What the hell does all this have to do with the subject header, which you created. Gibbs is a real person, participating here, and you are libelling him. Why?

He did not say what you claim, and his defense was essentially that: I didn't say that. You are stuck. Why?

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