>From Jed:




> His [Huizenga's] purpose was to preserve funding for high energy physics,


And that, IMO, pretty much sums it up.


As for all the other annoying shenanigans, they all strike me as just
another means to an end. Whatever works in order to squash the opposition.
If it sticks to the side of the refrigerator. mission accomplished. 


When the dust eventually settles, and historical scholars roll up their
sleeves and start sifting through the all the personal & public
documentation, I suspect the need to preserve the care and feeding of the
high energy physics community alone will most likely stand out like an
undeniable sore thumb.


I freely admit a personal fantasy of mine where I hope the Vortex-l list may
help play a minor role in pointing scholars in the right direction
concerning whom to contact in order to get the low-down, but who knows. 



Steven Vincent Johnson



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