So, muslims approve of marriage with sexual relations to a 9 year old menstruating little girl?'''

There are only 2 possible answers: Yes or No. But let's see how Lomax will spin this.


PS. Note that 2 respected and venerated muslim sources (Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari) have indicated that A'isha was indeed 9 years old when muhammed started having intercourse with her; yet you find Lomax still attempting to throw confusion as to A"isha age. Yet he does not say exactly what age he believes A'isha was when muhammed consumated the marriage.

So Lomax, based on your "considerable" research into this topic, what was A'isha age when muhammed started having intercourse with her?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:List integrity

At 05:31 PM 12/31/2012, Harry Veeder wrote:
Sorry I am confused.
What is considered false here?

A nine year old is barely out diapers


that muslims do not disapprove of sexual relations with a nine year old?

Obviously a nine year old is not "barely out of diapers."

Muslims disapprove of sexual relations outside of marriage, so the issue is marriage (and specifically the consummation of marriage).

Muslims disapprove of the consummation of a marraige with a girl who is not sexually mature, specifically mentstruating. It's considered rape, because mensturation is a condition for a woman having reached the age of consent. This is not the only condition; parents, generally, determine the right to consent as well, and girls are not automatically free to make their own choices until much later than nine. Marriage requires consent. Specifically, the woman must consent.

Muslims disapprove of the marriage of minor children without parental consent. (This is the same as U.S. law, generally.)

*Some* Muslims believe that the wife of the Prophet was nine when she was married, and assume that the marriage was consummated. But this is actually not solidly establshed. Nevertheless, *those Muslims* sometimes, from the example, allow 9 years old as a lower limit, but, in fact, the limit is sexual maturity -- or whatever standard is established by the society, *in addition to parental consent.*

(Technically, the wali consents, who is usually the father, but it can be others. A free woman sometimes appoints a wali, I've served.)

*Most* Muslims disapprove of marriage that is not recognised by the society in which the parties live.

Because of law in the United States, then, and in that place, Muslims disapprove of sexual relations with a nine-year old, no matter what the state of sexual maturity or parental consent. Under other conditions, their opinion might differ.

All these discussions were about the *limits*.

U.S. law, in some states, if I'm correct, still sets no minimum age for marriage, but requires judicial consent below a certain age, sometimes 14.

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