At 03:29 AM 1/2/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
So, muslims do not approve of what muhammed did?

My post was clear. Muslims vary in opinion, but, speaking generally:

Muslims do not approve of what Jojo claims Muhammad did.
Some Muslims approve of some aspects of what Jojo claims.
No Muslims approve of what Jojo claims in toto.

Some Muslims deny the foundations of Jojo's claim, i.e., the age reports, and often disapprove of the behavior that Jojo describes.

I have yet to see a sober, clear, scholarly report on this issue by a mainstream Muslim scholar. That doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, but that it could be hard to find amid the avalanche of Christian polemic on the issue.

This was Jojo's full post, which included a copy of my post, to which he was responding:

Jojo's question was redundant and provocative.

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