Reminds me of the atomic battery concept.  I gave that consideration when he 
originally stated that the energy was released in the form of low energy gammas 
that were converted into heat inside his shield.  It did not take long to come 
to the conclusion that this must not be true unless the gammas were really low 
energy.  Horace made it very clear that anything over 100 keV would escape the 
original lead lined beast and be dangerous.

Do you suspect that Rossi is back with the gamma radiation concept and is 
converting them to electricity?  Or, is this another diversion?


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 1, 2013 10:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi Says .. EMF Directly from the Reactor Core!! (??)

Very interesting.
This revelation, the production of a feedback current as it also appears in the 
Papp reaction, tells me that the underlying and fundamental mechanism which 
drives the Rossi reaction is electrostatic charge separation(aka ionization). 
Way back at the beginning of his development effort, Rossi said that his 
reaction would produce a detectable electric potential.
At that early juncture, he discarded this curious characteristic of his 
reaction as not significant because he viewed it as too feeble to be productive.
I guess that the changes that he has recently made to his design have 
sufficiently enhanced this thermionic effect in preference to heat generation 
to a level that may now overshadow the production of heat as the primary energy 
product of his device. 
Cheers:    Axil

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

Andrea Rossi
December 30th, 2012 at 3:01 PM

Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
You are touching a very important point: during these very days, and also 
during the more recent tests, we are working on this issue. I think we will be 
able to produce directly e.m.f. , but much work has to be done. Actually, we 
already produced direct e.m.f. with the reactors at high temperature, and we 
measured it with the very precise measurement instrumentation introduced by the 
third party expert, but we are not ready for an industrial production, while we 
are at a high level of industrialization for the production of heat and, at 
this point , also of high temperature steam, which is the gate to the Carnot 
Cycle. Thank you for your good comment.
Warm Regards,

[ I've interleaved the questions and answers ]

January 1st, 2013 at 6:50 PM

I received your words with great enthusiasm regarding the findings of measuring 
direct EMF from your LENR devices.

1. Were you referring to converting heat to electricity, or were you able to 
detect EMF coming directly from the reactor core?
  1- directly from the reactor core

2 Is the amount of EMF seen moderated or controlled by the temperatures made by 
the Hot Cat?
  2- still under probe

3 Will you next try to increase the effect to be able to produce power/energy 
directly without the need to convert heat to energy?
  3- yes

4 Will it ever be possible to have a “Cold Cat” make energy without heat?
  4- possibly

5 Or with less heat?
  5- I hope too

Also, on the "familiar" 1MW :

Andrea Rossi
December 31st, 2012 at 7:02 AM

Dear Scott L.:
As I said and wrote many times, the Container of the 1 MW plant is the same 
tested one year ago, since to the military Customer we delivered different 
ones. This one, seen also in the Swedish Television, has been used to make 
tests, modifications, improvements, certification. It has been a tremendous 
tool for R&D. Now it is destined to a Customer. It will be delivered on March, 
after further series of modifications we have in course now. Thanks to it now 
we can pass to a repetitive manufacturing line. After a glorious first life as 
a prototype for R&D, it is on his way to go to work in a centralized heating 
plant to supply heat: this will be his seconf life.
Warm Regards,


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