> From: "David Roberson" <dlrober...@aol.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi Says .. EMF Directly from the Reactor Core!! (??)
> Reminds me of the atomic battery concept. I gave that consideration
> when he originally stated that the energy was released in the form of
> low energy gammas that were converted into heat inside his shield. It
> did not take long to come to the conclusion that this must not be true
> unless the gammas were really low energy. Horace made it very clear
> that anything over 100 keV would escape the original lead lined beast
> and be dangerous.
> Do you suspect that Rossi is back with the gamma radiation concept and
> is converting them to electricity? Or, is this another diversion?
> Dave

Googling on gammavoltaics gives a lot of speculation and one solid paper

Novel Nuclear Powered Photocatalytic Energy Conversion
John R. White, Douglas Kinsman, Thomas M. Regan, and Leo M. Bobek
UMass-Lowell Radiation Laboratory
University of Massachusetts Lowell
August 29, 2005


It uses a "standard" photovoltaic dye -- plus a GAMMA SCINTILLATOR to 
down-shift the energy into its optical range. eg Sodium Iodide, Cesium Iodide 

What if Rossi's secret sauce wasn't to create the reaction, but to capture 
gammas ???
(Pure speculation, of course ...) 

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