While this is not cold fusion, I had an opportunity to video a new energy lab, and took it. I will continue to create portraits of new energy researchers, if it comes my way.

I see cold fusion as the most probable breakthrough for the near future, but the Papp engine may not be far behind, and is a technology that could operate alongside it.

This is the sixth movie I have made this year, all by my lonesome since my cameraman/editor left me to pursue more lucrative endeavors. I'm getting better with each edit, with the goal of entertaining and educating. As a Clean Energy Advocate, I do not grill or snake scientists. I am not a detective (not yet anyway). I ask, they answer. I am grateful for all the help I continue to get in learning to ask the right questions.

Cold Fusion Now wants to remain positive, and rated G for the kids! I want to show the kids, the students, and those who are looking for inspiration: What does a new energy lab look like? How do researchers in this field operate? What kind of research is going on? What kind of energy solutions are being pursued and, what is the level of development?

This video shows one team's engines in development, an explanation of its operational principles, however incomplete, in their own words, and what they plan to do next. It has a light-science background for the general public.

While the video does not appear to show over-unity by examining the speed of the piston, I would not dismiss this whole technology through Youtube analysis. I am convinced by what I've read that Joseph Papp had something going on. Now, a handful of teams are trying to reproduce it.

For all our sake, I only hope they succeed.

Please direct your technical questions about the Pulser to Heinz Klostermann at heinri...@me.com.

Pseudo-skeptics have held the power of position, but now they are irrelevant - irrelevant I say! Maybe I don't have the right to say that, but the fact is, the noisy din of useless information does not carry their protestations far, nor does their message have penetration or "staying power", as they did pre-Internet.

Yes, the after-image of their sad, destructive paradigm still prevents the MSM from reporting on the developments in cold fusion and new energy; legislators and policy-makers are woefully uninformed and do not fund this research; pseudo-skeptics have chosen to be die-hards, and they will, as all old paradigms do.

We are building a new house, so when the old one collapses, it'll be ready to move in!

After a short break over the next couple weeks, 2013 projects for Cold Fusion Now include:

 * more cold fusion video interviews as dictated by my geographic
   location on the west coast,
 * a possible mini-conference in Los Angeles,
 * activist visits to schools and colleges in the So Cal area (Caltech
   look out!),
 * attendance at ICCF-18 to conduct one-on-one interviews,
 * putting next year's 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar together
   with a an awesome new theme (not tellin yet!) but it's really cool.

You can help support my efforts by purchasing a Calendar here:

Thank you for all the feedback.

Your comments help to make my art more communicative.

Happy New Year!

On 1/1/13 7:20 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
Interesting video, but frustrating.

Klostermann seems like a sweet old guy who is having fun working with the Papp concept. He's done all kinds of things, but the type of cannon he has built, and that we saw firing so many times, could easily be arranged so that energy output is measured.

He's planing on using a government design for an electric generator, and predicts power output, etc., yet he's not done the most basic measurement, and he acknowledges that, but he seems to imply that it would be expensive.

No, it would be about as easy as what he's already done, in fact, easier. The output of his cannon is the kinetic energy of the projectile, and that is easily measured. If the kinetic energy of the projectile is as we would expect, less than the energy dumped into the cannon by the ionizatin sources, then neither would a generator work to generate excess power. Yes, it would generate power, but less than the electrical power used to operate it.

Ruby asked him the question, he didn't answer it. She's very polite and did not push him. Looks like she's having fun.

"Marshall Plan" to support this is not going to happen unless someone shows over unity, convincingly.

I recommend that Cold Fusion Now stay away from these very shaky Alternative Energy claims, and stick to LENR. That's where political support could be useful and effective.

Otherwise pseudoskeptics, faced with some actual possible breakthrough, politically, will use support for something ilke the Papp engine to attack the credibility of the organization.

At 12:39 PM 12/31/2012, Ruby wrote:

video: PULSER Plasma Engine Core: Recovering the Papp engine


post: Heinz Klostermann on the Papp engine: "There should be a Marshall Plan to support this"


Ruby Carat
r...@coldfusionnow.org <mailto:r...@coldfusionnow.org>
Skype ruby-carat
www.coldfusionnow.org <http://www.coldfusionnow.org>

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