Interesting observation.


If you watch the white box/cannon assembly (not the cardboard white box
'target'), you would think that the recoil would cause it to move backward,
in the opposite direction as the projectile (piston); in fact, the assembly
moves in the SAME direction as the projectile.  The only explanation that I
can see is that the assembly is already placed against an immovable barrier
which prevents the recoil from moving it to the right, and that force pushes
back on the assembly moving it in the same direction as the projectile.




From: James Bowery [] 
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:new video: Heinz Klostermann on the Papp engine


8:54 in is a slow motion shot showing the 1lb projectile travelling about 2
meters in about 3 frames.  He also claims that the effective energy
delivered to the plasma is about 600J.


sqrt((600 * joule) / (2 * poundm)) ? meter / second
= 25.717452 m/s

30frames/sec;3 frames/2m?m/s

([30 * frames] / second) * ([3 * frames] / [2 * meter])^-1 ? meter / second
= 20 m/s

So it appears he has an 80% efficient electric cannon.

On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Ruby <> wrote:

video: PULSER Plasma Engine Core: Recovering the Papp engine

post: Heinz Klostermann on the Papp engine: "There should be a Marshall Plan
to support this"

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat


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