All good will be attacked.  It is a human condition.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> This is depressing. See:
> "For one thing, the history of fusion energy is filled with crazies,
> hucksters, and starry-eyed naifs chasing after dreams of solving the
> world's energy problems. One of the most famous of all, Martin Fleischmann,
> died earlier this year. Along with a colleague, Stanley Pons, Fleischmann
> thought that he had converted hydrogen into helium in a beaker in his
> laboratory, never mind that if he had been correct he would have released
> so much energy that he and his labmates would have been fricasseed by the
> radiation coming out of the device."
> - Jed

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