I meant sun core.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Giovanni Santostasi <gsantost...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> The core doesn't need to have the density of iron people. Look at the
> density of the sun, it is extremely high and it is made of hydrogen. If you
> compress a plasma you can have any density you like up to degenerate matter
> levels.
> Giovanni
> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 8:42 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dave,
>> The inner core is DENSER than iron or nickel so the geologists just made
>> stuff up.  Pretty whacky stuff...
>>  Because the inner core is denser (12.8 ~ 
>> 13.1)g⁄cm³[11]<http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_core#cite_note-11> than
>> pure iron or nickel, even under heavy pressures, it is believed that the
>> core also contains enoughgold <http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold>,
>> platinum <http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum> and other siderophile
>> elements <http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siderophile_element> that if
>> extracted and poured onto the Earth's surface it would cover the entire
>> Earth with a coating 0.45 m (1.5 feet) 
>> deep.[12]<http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_core#cite_note-12>
>> On Sunday, January 20, 2013, David Roberson wrote:
>>> Giovanni, why do you want to make the calculations more difficult?  The
>>> principle is what we are talking about in this exercise.  I suspect it
>>> would be possible to calculate the magnetic moments of the sphere if it is
>>> important, but the shape is not an issue.  It could have been rods that are
>>> small relative to a meter and still given us guidance.
>>>  I hope you are not attempting to calculate this effect to the fifth
>>> decimal place when an order of magnitude is adequate to demonstrate what is
>>> required.
>>>  You can measure the magnetic attraction with a scale, but the
>>> gravitational force would be virtually impossible to determine without a
>>> calculation.  Assume that a mass of iron and nickel can be magnetized by
>>> some means to at least a tiny degree.  It would be difficult to have any
>>> measurable level of magnetization that would not overwhelm the force of
>>> gravity by many orders of magnitude.  That is the entire point of my
>>> hypothesis.
>>>  The sun has a level of iron in the photosphere of .16 % by mass (according
>>> to wikipedia) which is a lot of matter .   I am confident that this
>>> represents many times the entire mass of the Earth.
>>>  So, it has been established that there was iron available to form the
>>> cores of early planets such as Earth.  Also, the magnetic attraction of
>>> iron particles dominates the force of gravity between them by many orders
>>> of magnitude.  That leads me to consider my hypothesis as plausible for the
>>> formation of planetary cores.  Then it would be quite likely that the cores
>>> would become large enough to allow gravitation to complete the process of
>>> gathering the other elements.
>>>  Can you suggest a mechanism that relies upon gravity only to do a
>>> similar task?  Why would that be more likely to be the organizing process
>>> considering the relative strengths of the forces?
>>>  There is supporting evidence for my hypothesis.  The core of the earth
>>> is iron and nickel and massive.  Iron meteorites are available which
>>> demonstrate that iron and nickel has been collected in other parts of the
>>> solar system.
>>>  Are you aware of any evidence that proves that the concept is not
>>> possible?  It would be great if you suggested additional information that
>>> supports the hypothesis from your education.
>>>  Dave
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Giovanni Santostasi <gsantost...@gmail.com>
>>> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>>> Sent: Sun, Jan 20, 2013 8:34 pm
>>> Subject: Re: [Vo]: Magnetic Not Gravitational
>>>  So assume that there is a 0.1 N magnetic force between the two magnets
>>> when they are separated by 1 meter can you calculate their magnetic moments
>>> given their size?
>>>  Also you should look at this for correct calculation of magnetic
>>> forces between two magnets:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet#Force_between_two_cylindrical_magnets
>>>  The problem is how do you get the two sphere to be so strongly
>>> magnetized?
>>>  How rare is iron in interstellar medium?
>>>  Giovanni
>>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 6:05 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>wrote:
>>> Thanks for the compliment Giovanni.  I am most definitely an amateur in
>>> astrophysics as you suggest, and I do not have time to devote to the field
>>> in order to obtain a complete knowledge of all of the basic theories.  I do
>>> possess an open mind and am a bit of a heretic as I have been told by some
>>> on this list.  Much of that comes about because I realize that much is to
>>> be learned in every field of science regardless of what the experts within
>>> suggest.
>>>  If I were to make an attempt to estimate the knowledge that mankind
>>> currently has in the sciences as compared to that which will eventually be
>>> obtained I would come up with a figure of about 10%.  It would be
>>> interesting to have other members make their best guesses just for laughs.
>>>  Perhaps in 10,000 years if we are still capable of thinking, many of the
>>> unknowns of today will be resolved.  You hit upon a raw nerve of mine when
>>> you suggested that the science is settled in astrophysics as I seriously
>>> doubt that.  The same arguments have kept cold fusion in the dark for many
>>> years at our peril.
>>>  I just mentioned black holes in passing and do not have any particular
>>> questions at this time.  Some may arise later, and I would be honored to
>>> have your inputs at that time.
>>>  Let me present a simple thought experiment that should be simple for
>>> you to analyze and explain why it is not important.  Take two 1 kg iron
>>> masses separated by 1 meter of distance.  One of the masses is magnetized
>>> to a significant degree such that the force attracting the two together is
>>> about .1 Newtons.  If you wish, we can adjust this force to be more in line
>>> with what you feel is possible, but why not humor me for the moment.
>>>  I used the typical gravitational force equation and come up with an
>>> attractive force of 6.67384 E-11 Newtons at that distance.  Gravitational
>>> force varies as the inverse square of the distance, while the magnetic
>>> force varies as the inverse cube of distance due to it being a dipole
>>> field.  Since the ratio of the field strengths is Fg / Fm = 6.67 E -10 at 1
>>> meter, then we need to go 1.5 E +9 Meters away before the two are equal.
>>>  That distance is approximately 1% of the distance to the Sun.  Which one
>>> of these forces would you think would dominate the acquiring of magnetic
>>> materials by the 1 kg object within let us say 1,000,000 meters?  Unless I
>>> made a major error in calculations, the answer is obvious.  This is the
>>> scenario that I am mainly considering.
>>>  I suspect that this type of activity would tend to sweep up the
>>> magnetic responding materials far better than any gravitational forces.
>>>  The result would be a tendency to observe rapidly accumulating metallic
>>> cores that would then be followed by typical gravitational attraction of
>>> the other materials.
>>>  That is the hypothesis that I am suggesting.  Is it your opinion that
>>> the collection of material is not related to its type?  Please spell out
>>> what the current theory suggests leads to the construction of planets if it
>>> does not begin with the heavy core as I am posing.
>>>  It does not come as a surprise that others have considered magnetic
>>> and electric fields as important in the past.  I just had an idea that I
>>> felt like would be interesting to discuss on vortex.
>>>  Remember, this is the place to bring up wild, sometimes insane science!
>>>  Dave
>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Giovanni Santostasi <gsantost...@gmail.com>
>>> To: vortex-l

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