Oops - let me correct a  major typo. 


The proton-proton chain reaction on the sun is mostly “reversible fusion”.  P+P 
<-> H2


This, of course, should be: P+P < - > 2He (the helium-2 nucleus, which is 


It has been posted here many times that the strong force is overwhelming at 
close range - and will bring too protons in a cavity together, despite Pauli 
(Pauli exclusion principle). 


But almost always Pauli prevails and the He2 nucleus which forms, immediately 
breaks up into the same two protons as if it was an elastic collision.  Thus, 
99.99+ % of all the fusion reactions, on all the stars in the Universe, can be 
said to be reversible, and do not produce much energy. 


The bigger question for NiH on earth is this: does reversible proton fusion 
produce any net energy at all? The currently favored model based on remote 
solar fusion from protium says NO, but there is really little way to be sure – 
except via P+P experiments on earth.


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