Craig <> wrote:

> The danger is in the inefficiency. Electric cars and wind energy, is not
> present in the numbers you envision, because they are more expensive
> than proven internal combustion engines and fossil fuel.

I do not think so. Take for example, the cost of oil. It is three dollars a
gallon but that does not include the cost of wars that we fight to secure
supplies. If you would add that it would be $5-$10 per gallon I believe.
The cost does not include externalities.

Or, take the cost of coal-fired electricity. This is cheaper than wind
turbines or nuclear power. However that is only because we do not pay the
full cost. The smoke and particulates from coal kill roughly 20,000 people
per year in the United States. The power companies pay nothing to their
surviving families, and they do nothing to fix the problem, because these
are poor people living downwind of the generators. If the airlines were to
kill 20,000 passengers in crashes in a single year, we would abolish
commercial aviation. We would spend trillions of dollars to eliminate it,
with high speed mag lev trains or something. We would also fine the
airlines enormous sums of money to recompense the families of the victims.
We would do this because airline passengers are middle-class and
upper-class people, not poor people.

If a food company were to poison and kill 20,000 people with contaminated
peanut butter we would again spend trillions of dollars to fix the problem
and of course the food company would face huge lawsuits. Again, many of the
victims would be middle class, and a corporation cannot kill middle class
with impunity.

> Forcing people
> to use these alternatives makes the cost of transportation and energy
> far more expensive than it would otherwise be.

Not at all. It would be cheaper overall, and soon it would be cheaper to
the automobile owner.

> The market is the most efficient mechanism for supplying consumer needs.

The market places no value on the lives of poor people living downwind of
coal generators. It places no value on wars for oil. It will do nothing to
prevent us from being inundated with 9 m of water. So I do not think it is
efficient. It works in some limited ways, for some purposes.

- Jed

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