One of the comments says this:
"He [Crichton] rightfully warns us to be skeptical about what we are told
from the variety of mainstream sources we are exposed to. I suspect that it
will be difficult for anyone whose mind is not closed on the global warming
issue to read this book without gaining a different perspective. However, it
would also be wrong for the reader to conclude that the opposite is true --
that the issue is a complete fabrication... This research needs to be
conducted on a level playing field, in which funders and researchers seek
only the best answers we can get."

I couldn't agree more, that ALL MEDIA, TV, radio, internet, print, and even
to some degree academic research, is used by vested interests to further
that vested interests' agenda.  Follow the money... In order to get a better
handle on the entire situation you need to read a variety of material.

RE: Crichton...
I read his bio and never realized that he also wrote or directed several
books/movies that I remember from my younger days... like "The Andromeda
Strain" and "Westworld"... I remember them well after all these years!  The
first time I 'heard' of him was Jurassic Park... love that movie!


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:NHK: ocean levels may rise 9 m by 2100

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 6:14 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>
> I'm curious. of all the Vorts, who thankfully are discussing this 
> issue in a respectable manner (so far), how many of you know what 
> percent of the atmosphere is CO2?  Be honest now. before you take 20 
> secs to look it up on the web!

No need to look it up.  I read this:

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