Isn't the academic view just amazing?  When confronted with malaise about 
Bangladesh treading water in decades to come,  they go all 'chapter and verse' 
with specifics - yet, when asked about paying the bills, they drift off into 
magic and mysticism.  "Somehow" it will get paid for.  Thank you, Paul Krugman.

War costs for oil? What costs?  Saddam and Qaddafi were entirely willing to 
sell oil freely to anyone who could pay for it.
These aren't 'wars for oil' , they are greedy wars for Empire, triggered by 
NeoCon Crooks and helpful Zionists ( who want the Middle East chopped up into 
manageable pieces).

Major investment houses are saying (BusinessInsider) that alternative energy is 
a disaster as parity with newly found fossil fuels never comes. Jim Chanos ( 
famous short seller) is hitting on such companies.

It is reported that thousands of wind turbines in the US are idle or broken - 
and the cost of fossil fuel backup generation doesn't get counted.

Over at ZeroHedge, you can read the headline that a quarter of US jobs now pay 
BELOW the Federal poverty line.  You think those folks are worried about the 
Florida coastline?

Oh, and trillions of dollars worth of oil/gas may have just been discovered in 
Australia this week.  BP expressed public doubt over Peak Oil predictions.

We need entirely new technology.

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