
You may also be interested in the following paper on nanochannels -


While it discusses the extreme focusing of ~1 MeV proton wave-functions,
perhaps particles/ions in micro-/nano-channels in zeolites,
nano-crevices, nanostructures, ..., experience more wave-function
focusing than expected - possibly increasing tunneling probability
by dramatically increasing overlap of channel particle wave-functions.

Peter Hagelstein recently noted that fusion probability is directly
related to wave-function overlap, and it is certainly responsible for
muon-catalyzed fusion, electron-capture, etc.

An excerpt from the paper:
"... The radius of this focus can be in principle very small, less
than 10^−2 nm. This looks fantastically small and is even less than
the thermal vibrational amplitude of a single atom in the lattice.
Such a possibility occurs because the geometrical position of the
channel relative to the lattice can be defined much better than the
position of a single atom in a lattice which can be estimated by the
amplitude of its thermal vibrations. This is also connected with the
long-range order within the lattice and with essential coupling of
this order with the channel. So we have a needle-like focusing area
where the flux density of particles increases hundreds and even thousand
times relative to the initial one outside of the lattice! Such an
unprecedented sharpness of the focusing peak allows us to call this
effect the super-focusing ..."

-- Lou Pagnucco

Peter Gluck wrote:
> Can this:
> Nanoscopic Microcavities Offer Newfound Control in Light Filtering: Unique
> Nanostructure Produces Novel 'Plasmonic Halos':
> be of any use/inspirtion for Ed Storms' LENR theory?
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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