another article is published in a (French speaking)  Mainstream newspaper
in switzerland:  Le Temps
you have to register to read it.

beside a description of N Chauvin and his partnership , there is clear
evocation of the disdain of the local  mainstream physicist about LENR.

(quoted/translated  on

maybe someone of his level can discuss with this important actor of hot
fusion, to report recent data (less than 20 years old).

*Start-up non grata on the EPFL
> *
> Supported by Daniel Borel, LENR Cars starts in cold fusion, an area of
> controversy aimed an energy ideal
> Cold fusion remains a subject of controversy since 20 years. Therefore,
> when the start-up LENR Cars, based in the Science Park of Ecublens - a few
> steps from the Daniel Borel Innovation Center - announced that it was
> conducting research in the field*, the EPFL did not hide his
> embarrassment. "It is a pity that it is possible to establish a start-up at
> the PSE technology is not from our laboratories," said Ambrogio Fasoli,
> Professor of physics at the EPFL and Director of the Center for research in
> plasma physics. Nothing has ever been shown on cold fusion. I don't believe
> any."*
> *Heat and electricity
> *Microengineering engineer who worked for various start-up as well as
> Nestlé and Logitech, Nicolas Chauvin, founder of LENR Cars, dedicated, for
> its part, a real passion for cold fusion which dangles an energy ideal.
> ...
> *Dream or reality? "It is not for us to demonstrate that cold fusion is
> not realistic. Them to prove the contrary', notes Ambrogio Fasoli.*
> For Daniel Borel, a minority shareholder of LENR Cars, what counts is to
> go "until the end of his dreams".

2013/2/5 Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>

> I just fall on that french speaking article (found by PESN RSS)
> http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html
> I've made an article with some translation, and links to google
> translate...
> http://www.lenr-forum.com/showthread.php?1120-AGEFI-Geneva-Chauvin-LENR-Cars-presented-Funded-by-the-founder-of-Logitech&p=3890#post3890
> some data about business connections... article is very positive, nearly
> advertizing, but there is new data.
> *Applied nuclear 
> fusion*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>> *Lenr 
>> cars.*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>> *The start-up develops Lausanne a new generation of electric 
>> motors.*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>> "The technology we are developing will allow a car to travel 40,000
>> kilometers on a single tank of fuel without generating any waste."
>> This ambitious project comes from Nicolas Chauvin, founder and CEO of
>> startup LENR Cars, based at the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale). To
>> meet this challenge, *this Logitech and NASA former engineer,* uses a
>> technology called nuclear fusion LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions).
>> ...
>> To date, the prototype is being developed. *Its final version should be
>> released in 2014.* Funded initially by private funds, including those of
>> its creator, the company can also count on *the support of the founder
>> of Logitech , Daniel Borel.* "He was immediately fascinated by the
>> project. His many contacts we are also very valuable. "However, the company
>> seeking additional funds. "We are not looking for significant funding for
>> now. 200,000 francs (swiss franc) allow us to continue the development of
>> our prototype. *"LENR Cars is currently in talks with several
>> automakers, including PSA (Peugeot-Citroen) and Telsa groups.* Though
>> the start-up is only on the development of this specific segment of the
>> market can change quickly. "This is a risky area or can go very fast. It is
>> likely that within five years the energy giants are involved significantly
>> in this revolutionary technology. "
>> Many scientists and journalists are indeed of the opinion that LENR
>> technology represents one of the greatest discovery of mankind. "The
>> problem is that the huge economic stakes and the pressure of oil and
>> nuclear industries likely to jeopardize this new breakthrough."

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