I did not know there was a confusion. Maybe I missed some articles or buzz.

Until the article in AGEFI Nicolas Chauvin was known as a serial
entrepreneur with few startups created. He get more famous first by slides
at ILENRS12, then by working for MFMP with Mathieu Valat (no business link
except MFMP).

Only in AGEFI it was said that the founder of Logitech, Daniel Borel, was
individually supporting him, and that the amount of money needed was still
In Le temps they add that D Borel is a minority investor, and added the
mainstream opinion of hot fusion executive at EPFL.

Is there any other source of data, or buzz...

2013/2/13 Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com>

> Feedback from someone on Free Republic who met Chauvin:
> I met Chauvin at the E-Cat conference in Zurich last September. I didn’t
> know he worked for Logitech, but there seems to be some confusion here:
> he’s not the Logitech founder, he’s just a former employee. The founder may
> be putting some money into the effort, but it’s Chauvin who’s leading it.
> Chauvin is a young entrepreneur who’s trying to figure out how to base an
> automobile on a new heat source, E-Cat. That’s what E-Cat is —
> fundamentally, it’s a heat source. The characteristics of E-Cat are a
> moving target, however. Before the September E-Cat conference, E-Cat was
> only a source of low-grade heat, OK for water heating and space heating,
> but not a good heat source for an engine. At the conference, Rossi
> announced the new Hot Cat, which reportedly can produce heat at a
> temperature suitable for steam engines and Sterling engines.
> Chauvin is following the moving target of E-Cat practicality, and working
> on the best way to get E-Cat energy to turn the wheels of an automobile. If
> E-Cat actually works, he will have developed the knowledge and contacts to
> design and build an E-Cat car. If E-Cat doesn’t work, he’ll have to find
> another project.
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> another article is published in a (French speaking)  Mainstream newspaper
>> in switzerland:  Le Temps
>> http://www.letemps.ch/Page/Uuid/9a0dfe3e-7477-11e2-943f-94c4d8973bed#.URlJJmc-Erh
>> you have to register to read it.
>> beside a description of N Chauvin and his partnership , there is clear
>> evocation of the disdain of the local  mainstream physicist about LENR.
>> (quoted/translated  on
>> http://www.lenr-forum.com/showthread.php?1120-AGEFI-Geneva-Chauvin-LENR-Cars-presented-Funded-by-the-founder-of-Logitech&p=3954#post3954)
>> maybe someone of his level can discuss with this important actor of hot
>> fusion, to report recent data (less than 20 years old).
>> *Start-up non grata on the EPFL 
>> site<http://www.letemps.ch/Page/Uuid/9a0dfe3e-7477-11e2-943f-94c4d8973bed#.URlJJmc-Erh>
>>> *
>>> Supported by Daniel Borel, LENR Cars starts in cold fusion, an area of
>>> controversy aimed an energy ideal
>>> Cold fusion remains a subject of controversy since 20 years. Therefore,
>>> when the start-up LENR Cars, based in the Science Park of Ecublens - a few
>>> steps from the Daniel Borel Innovation Center - announced that it was
>>> conducting research in the field*, the EPFL did not hide his
>>> embarrassment. "It is a pity that it is possible to establish a start-up at
>>> the PSE technology is not from our laboratories," said Ambrogio Fasoli,
>>> Professor of physics at the EPFL and Director of the Center for research in
>>> plasma physics. Nothing has ever been shown on cold fusion. I don't believe
>>> any."*
>>> *Heat and electricity
>>> *Microengineering engineer who worked for various start-up as well as
>>> Nestlé and Logitech, Nicolas Chauvin, founder of LENR Cars, dedicated, for
>>> its part, a real passion for cold fusion which dangles an energy ideal.
>>> ...
>>> *Dream or reality? "It is not for us to demonstrate that cold fusion is
>>> not realistic. Them to prove the contrary', notes Ambrogio Fasoli.*
>>> For Daniel Borel, a minority shareholder of LENR Cars, what counts is to
>>> go "until the end of his dreams".
>> 2013/2/5 Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>
>>> I just fall on that french speaking article (found by PESN RSS)
>>> http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html
>>> I've made an article with some translation, and links to google
>>> translate...
>>> http://www.lenr-forum.com/showthread.php?1120-AGEFI-Geneva-Chauvin-LENR-Cars-presented-Funded-by-the-founder-of-Logitech&p=3890#post3890
>>> some data about business connections... article is very positive, nearly
>>> advertizing, but there is new data.
>>> *Applied nuclear 
>>> fusion*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>>>> *Lenr 
>>>> cars.*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>>>> *The start-up develops Lausanne a new generation of electric 
>>>> motors.*<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.agefi.com/une/detail/archive/2013/february/artikel/lenr-cars-la-start-up-lausannoise-developpe-une-nouvelle-generation-de-moteurs-electriques.html&usg=ALkJrhiT7qQDMFdwae77FMMXhFBNcdyXVQ>
>>>> "The technology we are developing will allow a car to travel 40,000
>>>> kilometers on a single tank of fuel without generating any waste."
>>>> This ambitious project comes from Nicolas Chauvin, founder and CEO of
>>>> startup LENR Cars, based at the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale). To
>>>> meet this challenge, *this Logitech and NASA former engineer,* uses a
>>>> technology called nuclear fusion LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions).
>>>> ...
>>>> To date, the prototype is being developed. *Its final version should
>>>> be released in 2014.* Funded initially by private funds, including
>>>> those of its creator, the company can also count on *the support of
>>>> the founder of Logitech , Daniel Borel.* "He was immediately
>>>> fascinated by the project. His many contacts we are also very valuable.
>>>> "However, the company seeking additional funds. "We are not looking for
>>>> significant funding for now. 200,000 francs (swiss franc) allow us to
>>>> continue the development of our prototype. *"LENR Cars is currently in
>>>> talks with several automakers, including PSA (Peugeot-Citroen) and Telsa
>>>> groups.* Though the start-up is only on the development of this
>>>> specific segment of the market can change quickly. "This is a risky area or
>>>> can go very fast. It is likely that within five years the energy giants are
>>>> involved significantly in this revolutionary technology. "
>>>> Many scientists and journalists are indeed of the opinion that LENR
>>>> technology represents one of the greatest discovery of mankind. "The
>>>> problem is that the huge economic stakes and the pressure of oil and
>>>> nuclear industries likely to jeopardize this new breakthrough."

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