On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Paul Breed <p...@rasdoc.com> wrote:

(As others have pointed out one needs to be above the curie temperature of
> the material being tested.)

Don't take this assertion too much to heart.  I have doubts about it's
general applicability.  On this list we like to combine statements whose
empirical basis is uncontested with ones that seem plausible but for which
the evidence is sketchy or there is even countervailing evidence somewhere.
 That is part of the difficulty in this field -- separating conjecture from
solid evidence.  This is not to say that some or much of the conjecture is
not also correct, just that it is in a different category than clear
empirical results.  Anything said here that seems remotely plausible should
without further evidence be lumped in the category of conjecture and taken
as a working hypothesis.


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