Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> They should display the current (pun intended) rate so that you can
> personally choose to shed load or wash a load of clothes.

They don't, but the power company sends you a magnetic sticker for the
refrigerator showing the rates and times of day, which is just as good. I
guess you could ask for another to stick on the dryer.

It is a cute sticker. I cannot find an image of it.

I found that a group of people thinks smart meters are making them sick:


They say this is caused by the radio transmission from the meters. These
transmissions last about 1 s per day, so I doubt there is a problem. I do
worry a little about WiFi in the house. Our WiFi transmitter is right next
to where my wife works all day. I should move it.

- Jed

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