Jones, I assume you accept that E=mc2 and that if the mass of a reaction changes, the energy has to come from somewhere.
Here is the mass change

D =

The gain in mass is D-n= p
 which =
 MeV has to be added to provide the increased mass of the resulting p.

The Farnsworth Fusor is producing hot fusion, which generates energy. The only issue is what amount of energy must be applied to overcome the Coulomb barrier, after which energy is released. That amount to get over the barrier can be a few kev to cause a little hot fusion. In the case of neutron stripping, energy must be ADDED to the system to produce the result.

On the other hand, if you assume that the chemical reaction is creating hot fusion in the gas, then you must assume that each D has been given a 10 keV as kinetic energy as a result of the chemical reaction. That is not possible because to make any energy the DCl molecule has to form, which can not have the required kinetic energy simply based on momentum considerations.


On Mar 14, 2013, at 4:09 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

From: Edmund Storms

Jim, why assume the neutron is stripped from the D? This requires 1.7 MeV/event.

No it doesn’t - that number is way off - 3 orders of magnitude off.

Neutron stripping occurs as low as 10 keV. See Tom Ligon’s IE article.

The Farnsworth Fusor is documented proof of large neutron production at keV energy levels.

Here is another version of Ligon’s article. One can argue the point of whether this is due to Boltzmann’s tail of the energy distribution or Oppenheimer-Philips stripping, but one must accept that it is far removed from 1.7 MeV/event.


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