DJ Cravens <> wrote:

> It was you that complained about my lack of writing ability.
That's easily fixed. I have written entire papers for people who speak
English as a second language.

> Also, it was you that in times past (a few years back) said that demos
> where not important- that it was papers in journals that counted.
Nope! That wasn't me. I would never say that. You must have me confused
with someone else.

> After all I had a demo running 3 days in Monte Carlo but nothing became of
> that.
You did set the stage properly, or follow up properly. As I recall, there
wasn't even a paper describing it. A demo by itself will accomplish little.
It has to be presented to the right people, and then documented carefully,
then the documents have to be published.

Rossi's demos have been dreadful. Yet descriptions of them at
attract a great deal of attention. If you had published a top-notch
description of your Monte Carlo demonstration on, with
computer data, photos, video and so on, by now 100,000 experts worldwide
would know about it. I think it is likely that some of those people would
offer you the funds you need to do this research, if you were to ask.

As I said, seek and thou shalt find. (Well, not me: Matthew 7:7.) If you
don't tell people what you have done, and you don't ask for support, it is
100% certain you will not get it. And that outcome is 100% your fault.

I have said that to many other cold fusion researchers. They often kvetch
and moan about how unfair the world is and how oppressed they are. Then,
when you suggest they submit an abstract or write a paper, it's: "Oh no, I
don't have time for that. People should believe me. They should understand
what I am doing based on a few fragmentary comments on the phone and a
graph scribbled on the back of a napkin. I'm such a genius how dare anyone
ask for details." and blah, blah, blah. It is tiresome crap. Yes, they have
often been suppressed, but they also often act as their own worst enemies.

- Jed

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