Dear Francis,

Your post got me thinking. We may have a chicken or the egg situation here.

The speed of light may well be modified in the nuclear active environment
(NAE). But why?

The first think that passed through my head was how Joe Papp shot large
amounts of current through isotopes to increase the alpha production from
radioactive alpha emitters.

 From the ScienceDaily reference as follows:
“They found that a specific property of vacuum called the impedance, which
is crucial to determining the speed of light, depends only on the sum of
the square of the electric charges of particles but not on their masses.”

If we increase the charge density in and immediately around the NAE, the
speed of light might well be modified. The increase in the electric charge
concentration might modify the character and the strength of the vacuum,
and therefore the speed of light.

Is it the increase in the charge concentration that lowers the coulomb
barrier or is it the associated change in the speed of light, or is it the
modification of the vacuum impedance that is the active agent.

The Papp engine does concentrate charge in the noble gas clusters without
the presence of a NAE.

The Noble gas cluster provides a different type of NAE.

Where does the increase in energy within a LENR system come from, the
vacuum or the fusion and/or fission that causes transmutation due to a
lowered coulomb barrier?

How can we understand what the ultimate cause of LENR really is and what
are the associated effects?

Cheers:   Axil

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Roarty, Francis X <> wrote:

>  Axil, ****
>  I am totally ok with your description regarding virtual energy exceeding
> the columb barrier but less convinced about your conclusion based on lack
> of radioactive ash  [snip] After this nuclear relaxation process, if the
> energy level inside the nucleus has been lowed enough so that it can never
> again surmount the coulomb barrier no matter how much virtual energy may
> appear, the element is said to be stable. [/snip] IMHO the material really
> is radioactive from “our” perspective while the material is inside the
> NAE.. the geometry is segregating the vacuum density and producing
> anomalous decay rates from our perspective… time dilation.. while from it’s
> own local perspective the decay rate may appear to be millions of years….
> see “speed of light may not be fixed”
> .. There
> have been some anomalous half life reports on radioactive gas decay when
> loaded into an NAE both accelerated and even some decelerated which is why
> I posit the geometry allows for a balanced segregation effect and it is the
> flow path that exposes the gas molecules to the environment in a manner
> that can unbalance the time metric in favor of one of the segregated areas
> over the other. The gas on average spends, for instance,  more time in an
> area where virtual particles are suppressed inside a cavity vs compressed
> outside the cavity.****
> Fran****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Monday, March 25, 2013 7:17 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:It is fission dear fellows; clear your
> minds of confusion****
> ** **
> The Bumpy Road.****
> The binding energy contained inside the nucleus is an uncertain thing; it
> goes up and down at the whim of quantum mechanics; it varies with the
> uncertainty principle. This energy is comprised of two parts: a real energy
> and a virtual energy. It is this virtual energy that can vary widely and is
> not constrained by the laws of energy and momentum.****
> When constrained inside the nucleus and when this nuclear energy is
> composed of these two parts get strong enough, it spills over the top of
> the coulomb barrier and forms a real particle outside the nucleus. This is
> quantum mechanical tunneling. The virtual part of this spillover energy
> only lasts for the briefest of instants and immediately goes away and only
> the real part remains to congeal into the newly radiated particle that has
> tunneled through the barrier. This process is called radioactive decay (AKA
> tunneling through the coulomb barrier).****
> After this nuclear relaxation process, if the energy level inside the
> nucleus has been lowed enough so that it can never again surmount the
> coulomb barrier no matter how much virtual energy may appear, the element
> is said to be stable.****
> In regards to LENR, we can draw and amazing and informative conclusion
> from this behavior of the nuclear reaction.****
> The fact that no radioactive isotopes are found in the ash of the cold
> fusion reaction is unequivocal proof that LENR is caused by the lowering of
> the coulomb barrier and NOT a fusion process. That is, when the coulomb
> barrier is very low during the LENR moment, the energy in the nucleus is
> stabilized at the lowest barrier level in relation to the lowered coulomb
> barrier. Now when the barrier neutralization is removed and the barrier
> springs back to full power, the binding energy contained in the newly
> formed nucleus is completely relaxed in regards to the newly recovered
> strength of the coulomb barrier. ****
> Here is an analog from the real world to explain this principle.****
> If you take a glass of water filled to the brim on a car trip over a bumpy
> road, the water will splash over the brim until water reaches a maximum
> level to where the water does not slash anymore. ****
> Now suppose you could magically reduce the sides of the glass to a low
> level when the bumpy trip first starts and the water level reaches this
> maximum no spill level, now you magically raise the sides of the glass very
> high again. No water will ever spill out no matter how bumpy the road gets.
> The water level in the glass is now forever stable.****
> The nuclear binding energy excess produced by the LENR reaction is spread
> around the lattice to all the other members of the Bose-Einstein
> condensate, so both the new nucleus and the expelled particle(s) have
> little excess energy to dissipate into the localized lattice. These nuclear
> fragments part ways at a very slow pace with little disruptions on the
> other NAE around them.****
> This is why a LENR reactor that contains a Lattice characterized by a
> Bose-Einstein condensate can operate for a lone tine: the nuclear energy
> that is released by the LENR reaction is delocalized throughout the lattice
> and the expelled particles have little energy to damage the area close to
> the NAE. The NAEs remain intact and the LENR reaction can repeat many times.
> ****
> When a condensate is not present, the LENR energy is localized and the
> lattice is destroyed. The LENR reaction will quickly stop as all the NAEs
> are cratered.
>   ****
> Cheers:   Axil****
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 6:19 PM, <> wrote:****
> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Mon, 25 Mar 2013 04:03:34 -0400:
> Hi,
> [snip]****
> >You are right. They are in superposition. They are nowhere and everywhere
> >at the same time: delocalized.
> >
> >This is why LENR gammas get thermalized. A fission reaction in a
> condensate
> >will spread its energy throughout the condensate,****
> Most of the energy of a fission reaction is usually carried by the
> particles.****
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk
> ** **

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