On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 8:00 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One implication appears to be that you would see 4He traveling twice as
> fast in a given direction near where a reaction has taken place than you
> would in normal d+d plasma fusion.

Let me emend that -- in d+d plasma fusion, you have the three branches:

1. d+d → 4He + ɣ (rare)
2. d+d → 3He + n (50 percent)
3. d+d → t + p (50 percent)

In (1), there is a 4He, and it is not traveling very quickly.  So the 4He
in the proposed branch with the spectator, (4), say:

4. d+d + M → 4He + M,

where M is on both sides of the reaction (and doesn't undergo a change),
this 4He would be travelling much faster than the one in (1).  It would be
traveling on the order of twice as fast as the heavier particles in (2) or
(3), in an approximate sense.


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