Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree and; furthermore, believe that we do not currently possess the
> machines which will be necessary to follow the complex reactions which
> are occurring with LENR.  We will need better "eyes".

Perhaps that is true. Many breakthroughs did not occur until instruments
were invented. However, we will not know for sure about cold fusion unless
and until it is explained. We might find out that present day instrument
results can explain everything. The answer might be in the data already. We
just don't see it.

At the conference in Italy, there were some descriptions of advanced
equipment used in material science. The capabilities are astounding. These
machines make three-dimensional micro-photos showing what elements and
isotopes are deposited at each layer. If we had access to instruments like
that we might make breakthroughs. The instruments cost tons of money which
we do not have.

- Jed

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