The alpha particles could be a precursor of the "new fire".
Once the fire the starts less smoke is produced.

starting a fire with hand drill

Or maybe alphas are like sparks for the starting the "new fire"


On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:

> Of course, no statement can be made about any subject that does not invite
> a counter argument. No idea about CF can be suggested that cannot be shown
> to be false. Clearly, unless some triage is used to sort through the
> arguments and some common sense is applied, the effect will be impossible
> to understand.  Naturally, I have considered the possibilities you suggest,
> Axil, before I came to my conclusions. Of course what you propose might be
> true.  Nevertheless, I reached my conclusion by considering all of the
> observed behavior.  A reader will have to decide for themselves which
> possibility they want to accept because it is impossible to debate such
> details here and reach an agreed conclusion. No matter what arguments are
> given, a counter argument can always be provided.
> I stated what I believe and gave the reasons. You stated what you believe
> and gave your reasons. That is all we can do.
> Ed Storms
> On May 6, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Axil Axil wrote:
> Ed Storms states:
> *“We know that when large amounts of heat are detected, alpha emission at
> a comparable rate does not occur. Clearly, large heat production and alpha
> emission are not related.”*
> This could be a false assumption as follows:
> When a thermalization mechanism that transfers nuclear energy directly to
> the lattice is in place, alpha particles do not carry enough energy to
> penetrate the surface of the CR-39.
> In this situation, the alpha particle drifts out of the nucleus at very
> low energies rather than being fired off out at high speed.
> This thermalization mechanism of nuclear energy from LENR directly to the
> lattice makes deductions about the behavior of alpha particles and their
> associated behavior and measurement problematic and unreliable.
> On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Edmund Storms <>wrote:
>> Eric, ALL nuclear reactions generate heat. Alpha emission is a nuclear
>> reaction. Therefore, heat was generated. However, the rate of the reaction
>> was too small to make detectable heat from this reaction. The only unknown
>> is whether heat from a different reaction can occur.
>> We know that when large amounts of heat are detected, alpha emission at a
>> comparable rate does not occur. Clearly, large heat production and alpha
>> emission are not related. Therefore, some other nuclear reaction is the
>> source of the heat. The question is: What is this source?
>> When a large amount of heat are produced, helium is detected. This helium
>> does not come from alpha emission, as the above logic demonstrates.
>>  Therefore, it must result from a different nuclear reaction. The question
>> is: What is this reaction? That is the question my and other theories are
>> trying to answer.  If you want to answer the question of where the alpha
>> comes from, you need to start a different discussion because this emission
>> is clearly not related to CF.
>> And NO, helium can not be produced by a reaction that sometimes makes
>> alpha and sometimes releases He without kinetic energy. Such a reaction is
>> too improbable to be seriously considered.
>> Ed Storms
>> On May 6, 2013, at 10:45 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> Eric Walker <> wrote:
>>>  But if there was no clear excess heat, we have little reason to
>>> conclude we have learned anything from the CR-39 experiments about the
>>> alpha particle flux when there is excess heat.
>> I do not think they did calorimetry in most of these experiments. We do
>> not know whether there was heat.
>> - Jed

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